when it was easier

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Lindsey POV
I turn up the radio as Buddy Holly starts playing. I turn toward Michael and see he's laughing at me. "What?" I say as I'm crazily bobbing my head to the beat.
"Your so weird."he chuckles and rests his head on the back of the car seat."so, how are you and that kid?" He gives me a teasing glance so I playfully punch him

"He's not a kid. He is literally only 3months younger."I look over to see him shaking his head. He then swipes a hand threw his hair, leaving it mid swoop, and turns toward me and smirks. We burst into laughter. I then hear a horn from the side.
"Shit!!" Micheal shouts. He grabs the wheal and swerves away from the man on the road, from the banged up cars, from the blood. It takes me a moment to realize what has gone on. I am about to turn around to see if it was an illusion when Micheal grabs my face to look in the opposite direction. "Don't look. It's bad. The mini van didn't see him and if it would have been just a second longer we would have ended up there too."

I start to feel sick and feel a headache arising. I feel tears well behind my eyes. I cover my mouth with my hands and turn to Micheal." Is he dead?" I mumble in between my fingers.

"I don't know, but please don't cry. Please." He looks me right in the eyes and I burst into tears. Micheal pulls the car over, unbuckles his seatbelt, and pulls me close to him. He starts humming she's got a way by Billy Joel in my ear and I start to relax.
"Can we switch spots?" I move my head to look up and he looks down while still keeping me close.
"Yes of course." He quickly messes up my hair and goes back to his seat. He opens the door and steps out.
"Nice butt." I shout as he steps past the front of the car.he just shakes his head. He opens the door so I can get out and switches me places. I then walk in front of the car. BEEP!!. "AAAAGH! gosh danget. Micheal!" I turn over to see him laughing and then face plant into the steering wheel... Hahaha he is so stupid... I get into my seat and buckle up. Micheal turns around to look at me and is still rubbing his nose. I Snicker and get a nasty look. "Sorry" I say as we head down the highway back towards our houses.

"Micheal?"I say as he finally looks up from his phone
"What do you think happened today?" He looks at me confused or concerned but I'm to distracted to care which. All I can think about is my sister. And how much that crash was like hers.when I looked up I saw a pained look in his eyes telling me he knew that I was missing her.
"Lindsey? You know that the crashes may be similar but one guy was purposefully trying to kill Maddy and this one was a horrible accident." I couldn't look at him when he said it. I was ten when it happened and my sister was driving us to go get food after Micheal's swim meet. We had finally decided on Wendy's and had made it onto 40 highway when in an intersection a man jumped out in front of the car. She tried to swerve but her hand slipped causing her to go flting out the window, MICHEAL to get a concussion for airbag impact and me to go blind in my right eye. "LIN!!"
"Stop it... stop thinking about it. You can't get her back."
"Yeah... I know"

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