Truly messed up

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Micheal POV
As I sat there beside her I could tell she was distracted. Intrigued by an outer place that I would never truly understand. I tapped her shoulder to get her attentJon. She jerked forward. "Huh?? Micheal. Don't do that. You scared me." She said it in such a laughing to that I had to wonder if she felt a bit awkward here. We had been walking home from school because we had walked this morning. It wasn't like it was a long walk it was just... boring. She would usually get distracted and not listen or not talk. She hated talking about school because she hates hanging out with the girls and their incessant talk of boys and drama. She found it all petty. Lucky for me this walk would be over soon and we would go the be able to head upstairs to our rooms and plug out ear buds in on and let the world fade.
We finally get to the driveway and Lindsey looks at me crazily and I know she wants to rase. "No... Lindsey... noooooo."she rushes forward and so I do to and get past her. I grab her up and spin her around. She flinches and tries to squirm. When she gets her hands free we're spinning so she holds in till I float her back down.
"No fair. That's cheating."she gives me her eyebrow glance and serves her hips.... such a taurus... She walks toward the house and laughs before she runs inside. I soon follow in to see her shaking. And gawking down at a note.

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