Ch-5 Kid/Nylon

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Chapter-5 Kid/Nylon



Kid stepped away from Nylon with a weird-ed out face. "Sorry, I'm not much of a savior. That kind of person would be my friends Soul and Maka." the rabbit frowned and pointed at the marking again.

"That explains everything!" he insisted. He tried to pick Kid back up but the shinigami pushed away. He shouted, "I'M NOT ALICE!!!! I'm just Death the Kid so please, leave me alone." Kid turned on his heel to leave but he heard a loud thump behind him and a grasp on his leg.

He looked down to find Nylon on his knees with his face towards the ground. Kid was shocked when he saw tears fall from the other boys eyes. The rabbit ears were tilted down all the way to express even more sadness. Kid looked in all directions as he heard the other start to say, "*SNIFF* Please Ali- Kid! My life long dream was to find and protect you with all my life! *SNIFF* If you don't at least try to help us, then our world will die!"

That's when the worst thing for Kid happened.

Nylon lifted his head for the son of death to see a tear stained face. His nose was red and those crimson eyes were turning pink and puffy. Kid slightly blushed because of how adorable it looked.

'So cute! But I have to return home! What would father think if I skipped curfew?! That's much too many chops. But a whole world being destroyed is 8x worse. I know what I have to do...'

Kid breathed in and said, "Fine. I'll help you save Wonderland." Nylons ears shot straight up, the tears dried, a smirk plastered on his face. "So gullible." he said. Kid frowned and blushed out of embarrassment. He tried pushing Nylon off his leg but to no avail.

"Would you please get off!?!?" he shouted. The rabbit replied, "Nah! I like the view down here." It took a couple of seconds for Kiddo to process that sentence in his head before he practically kicked Nylon off and tucked his dress between his legs. "Pervert." Kid muttered.

He was scooped up into Nylons arms as the rabbit said, "I should get you to the queen quickly. Damn were too far away. The closest way of transportation possible though would have to be Madden."

"Madden? Is he anything like you?" Kid raised an eyebrow. Nylon huffed, "No! He's another one of my best friends but there are those times when he just gets really annoying. He's also the one who created those metal stars that I used to save you from the Deck of V." With that, the rabbit man started hopping again, back into the forest. After what seemed like hours of silence, they arrived to a second clearing.

A long table covered by white fabric set with plates, tea pots and cups, chairs, silverware, and many kinds of treats aligned it. Nylon still didn't put Kid down but he call out, "I know you guys are here so come out! There's someone you guys would like to meet!"

A familiar laugh filled the forest area. An all too familiar laugh for Kid. The shinigami only had to blink once and there were people already in five of the chairs. Ones he knew, but didn't at the same time. To compare, he saw a Crona with a pair of gray mouse ears and a long gray tail, being shy as usual.

A Tsubaki was a rabbit like Nylon but her ears were black and she wore a torn up vest.

A Liz and Patty that wore red and white striped shirt held on by orange slack overalls. Then there was the main monkey, BlackStar. BS had on a bright blue suit like his hair along with a tall top hat. The hat had a dark purple silk ribbon tied tightly to the head piece.

Nylon pointed to each one and introduced them with different names.

"The shy looking one over there is Dorien the door mouse. Rabbintina Wicked has the blown vest. The Tweedle sisters Twiz and Twatty. And as I said before: Madden Haster."

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