Ch-14 Soul

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Chapter- 14 Soul


'That voice. I could tell it from anywhere.'

My head whipped around to see a copy of my miester in a medium sized white dress. It looked exactly like the one Maka wore when we fought Asura only the fact that it's white makes a difference. This version of Maka was holding. . . 'CRAP SHE'S HOLDING BOOKS!!!!'  Out of personal habit I backed away, instantly catching her attention. She turned to me and said, "Hello Soul!" then turned to Kid, greeting him as well. Around us, Dorien, the Tweedles, Rabbintina, Madden, and even the dumb rabbit, were all kneeling down before her. "What are you guys doing?" was the first sentence to slip out of my mouth. 

Nylon shot me an angered glance and hissed, "She's the queen of Wonderland you blundering idiot!" 

Kid grabbed me by the back of my neck and tilted both our head down low enough to actually be considered a bow. Once he let go though I was stumbling around in attempt to catch my balance. This 'queen' of theirs set down her stack of books, gripped the top one tightly in her hand, lifted above her head. . . 'Oh dear Shinigami!' 

"LYLAAAAAAAAAA ------------ CHOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

The book made a touchdown on Nylon's skull, sounding off like the the liberty bell. A large wave of air whipped past our faces as things fell silent. The dumb rabbit fell on his side with his head in his hands and began shouting, "WHAT THE BLOODY HECK WAS THAT FOR?!?!?! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME!!"  She walked over to me and Kid and pressed her palm on opposite sides of our faces. "Oh you poor things. . ." She looked at our dirt filled clothes, "What has Nylon screwed up now?"

Mr.Bunny was complaining in the background.

"Never-mind him," she took our hands now, "Let's go get you two cleaned up." before pulling us along into. . . it really surprises me how I didn't take any notice that we were in a garden of white. Connected to a castle of white. Where clothing is mostly white. Not all people. . . or creature. . . is white though, that's just the rainbow part of this place so far. 

As we made our way closer to the Disney-like castle, I began to notice how much people and/or creatures their were. Each had a bright and happy smile on their face, not one looking falsely made. The mood was as good as sunshine everywhere you go, unless your standing by Nylon. He was one of those campers who dropped his marshmallow in the dirt when there was no more to give out. We came near a gate with two large men in shining armor at each side. Both greeted down at Lyla and pushed open the mighty doors that concealed us from the inside. Once open. . . even MORE white!

Fountains, people, animals, dresses, suits, pillars, doors, floor- SO MUCH OF IT!

Lyla ushered over a few women and asked them to help the girls clean up. Once they were gone, Lyla took us boys up two flights of stairs then lead us over to the bathing area. It was fairly similar to ones you see in most animes where it's steaming everywhere and you have tubs, towels, and a large pool of warm water. Lyla gave each of us a towel and said, "When your done, there are rooms down the corridor to your left with your names on the doors, inside will be a fresh pair of clothes for you to wear. After that, just move back down one floor and we can eat supper."

We all stripped down in the bathroom stalls, wrapping our towels around the waist like usual and placing our filthy clothes in baskets. Without Madden here then I'm pretty sure the tension would not rise so high between Nylon, Kid, and I. For a while the four of us discussed culture differences and similarities that our two universes had, what kind of places the dumb rabbit's been to, old battles, and many other stuff. But things are always seeming to change. Madden was rushing to get everything clean because he kept whining about his stomach growling. The rest of us tried to keep up but he was gone before another of us could even wash the soap off our bodies. 

Now we were in an awkward silence. The tension building up. We all knew, that both Nylon and I were in love with Kid, as he was with the two of us.


The tub seemed smaller in their minds because they all felt too close together although there was around 2 yards between one another. Soul to the left. Nylon right. Kid on the end closest to the door. Out of the three, Kid was most nervous, he knew that one of the two would ask of his choice but he didn't know which. His answers were heard as Soul asked, "So you still haven't chosen right?"  Kid shook his head. Soul turned to Nylon and said, "What should we do? Every fight we have it always ends in a draw. Asking other people who they think it should be is a let down. Yet neither of us wish to share am I correct?"

Nylon clicked his tongue but said, "Indeed. And Alice would not like being passed around either?" Kid shook his head once more, still not making attempt at verbal replies. It pained him inside because he truly didn't know the answer. He loved attention and having his crush doubled and both wanting him, who wouldn't want that?!

Soul slowly eased over to Kid's side and asked him to turn around, adding on that he would only help scrub his back. After hearing this he complied and turned around, facing Nylon whom was sliding close as well. The weapon grabbed a tub, bar of soap, and a sponge. First dabbing the squishy object in water to allow it to soak then mashing some soap on it, he began to wash Kid's back in a counter-clockwise movement. Nylon took the bucket and filled it with water, pouring the fluid along the son of Death's skin. 

Both boys were being precise with their work, cautious not to break the delicate-looking skin even though it takes a lot just to make a scratch on it. Nylon was mesmerized with Kid's blushing face looked down at the water and playing with the suds floating around. All of a sudden he had his lips in the left crook of the striped boy's neck earning himself a high pitched gasp. Kid then felt another face in his right.



Kid's breathing fell unsteady but that didn't mean he wasn't enjoying it. That was the problem though, he WAS loving it, every single bit. Nylon pressed against his front while Soul on his back, only the towels barely kept them separated. Water and soap lathered bodies rubbing against one another to add friction between all three. Kid managed to squeak, "I thought you guys didn't want this?" Soul nibbled on his ear before whispering, "We're making a temporary exception for now. After all, you aren't one to be talking."

The weapon snaked his hand along Kid's waist and began prodding over the Shinigami's little erection.  He wasn't the only with it. Kid could feel Nylon's against his lower right thigh and Soul's on his back. The universe jumper dove down and started sucking on the boy's left nipple while playing with the other in his hands, biting every now and then to hear more of Kid's sweet moans. With the heat around them things seemed to get more exciting by the second. Death had his face tilted back enough for the scythe to invade then explore his mouth. Their tongues pushing together back and forth until Soul manages to get by and take in the wonderful taste lies inside. Nylon pouted, disconnecting their faces so that he could enjoy Kid's cavern as well.

All three were moaning out, taking the time to relish in the other's company, except Soul and Nylon of course. Suddenly though, when one of them had finally latched onto his erection, a spark in Kid's mind forced him to fully grasp the situation at hand.


They were all about to do it! Kid pushed them both back, tightened his towel, then ran out as fast as he possibly could. Both Soul and Nylon glanced at the other, unsure of what really just happened. But one thing was for sure, they were going to fight about who was at fault.


I haven't updated in forever. Which sucks I know. Now if some of you whether fangirl or fanguy are like me, you want extra hard-core smut right? Sadly though, they appear in future chapters. Maybe even in the next one if were lucky.

Love and Hate ~ Always12345/ Nicole

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