Texts #1

476 27 7

John. -SH

John- SH


Sherlock, I am busy. Can't you just wait another thirty minutes until I get home? - JW

No. - SH

Fine. what is it. - JW

I need you to go get me the dead boys shoes from the previous case -SH

goddamn it Sherlock why cant you go do it?! - JW

It's too far. - SH

ugh. What's the magic word? -JW

Now? - SH

Jesus Christ. - JW

John I don't have time for this nonsense go get the dead boys shoes. -SH

Is it that important? I am in the middle of buying groceries. Just have Lestrade bring them to you. -JW

No, John. I don't want to talk to Lestrade. Plus, its not his division anyway. -SH

Fine. its not like we needed food or anything. -JW

~* A few minutes later*~

I Love you. -SH

~* A few minutes after that*~

I love you too. - JW


Hey so this is my new book that I'm going to focus on! Its pretty lighthearted. Please leave suggestions down below. If you do, I promise to make one chapter about it and I will dedicate it to you. Love you all! -Sophia

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