Text #2

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Happy birthday! -Mrs. H

Thanks! -JW

Say, Have you see sherlock recently? -JW

Come to think of it, I haven't seen him at all today! -Mrs.H

Maybe he's at one of his cases? -Mrs. H

No, he's canceled all the cases for this week -JW

Haven't the faintest clue why. -JW

Oh dear, he might go crazy. I'll make sure to ring you if I hear from him -Mrs. H


I need your assistance. -SH

And for what exactly, sherlock? -Mrs. H

If I recall correctly, today is the birthday of army doctor john hamish Watson. Also known as my boyfriend. -SH

you recall correctly. However john seems to have thought you had forgotten. -Mrs. H

What? That's impossible. Why would he think I forgot? -SH

Well for starters you ran off before he woke up and didn't wish him a happy birthday. -Mrs. H

Why would I do that? I mean he knows it's his birthday why must I remind him? -SH

Oh dear, you have so much to learn. -Mrs. H

Take him out to dinner or something. Or bake him a cake. -Mrs. H

How the hell am i supposed to bake a cake? -SH

Oh dear. I'll come down and help. -Mrs. H

NO!... I mean, i'll figure it out. -SH

oh dear okay...but if you start another oven fire you're paying to fix it! -Mrs. H

(10 minutes later)

Sherlock? -Mrs. H        

(15 minutes later)

dear god sherlock why does it smell like smoke?! -Mrs.H

You brought this upon yourself! -Mrs. H


Hello guys!! Here is the long requested SHerlock texts! I am so dreadfully sorry i havent updated lately. I wasnt even busy...whoops. Thank you so much for all the votes and comments it really makes my day to know people are reading my books ^-^. Ive been dealing with alot of self problems lately, so sorry for no updates. See you guys later! -Sophia (((ANd btw i wrote most of this at 3 in the morning so dont judge)))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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