Chapter 6

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      Hope sighed softly as she climbed into Heath's truck, he heard everything and it made her wonder what the others said. She watched as Heath slowly left the station talking to his brothers and sister. Her gaze wandered to her stomach wondering how she could bring an innocent child into this mess. Heath climbed into the truck and started the engine not saying anything all the way home. As they pulled up he stopped and turned to her holding the keys tightly in his hand. "Why didn't you tell me you defended the others?" Hope sighed and climbed out of the truck not answering his question just ready to get into the bed and sleep off the day she just had. Heath followed after her  and shut the door harder than he probably intended to. "Hope answer me." 
  "Why so you can judge me like everyone else does? Heath why are you here? Get out while you still can." 
  "What the fuck does that even mean Hope?" 
 "It means you should probably go before things get worse. I can't protect you from Luna." 
Heath walked over to her his gray eyes burning with anger, "I'm a grown ass man I don't nor do I want your protection. It's my job to protect you and our child."  
  "See that's the thing you look at me like a job instead of your girlfriend your partner. I don't need a babysitter Heath!" 
 "You can't even leave the house Hope! You're terrified and I want to be there for you!" 
 "Why?" Hope yelled her anger boiling over she couldn't hold it in anymore she couldn't handle the idea of Luna hurting Heath. "Because I fucking love you Hope." Hope looked up at him her eyes meeting his. Her breathing was labored and she felt as if she couldn't breath. "You only love me because you feel bad for me Heath and I don't need that. I don't need your sympathy and I don't want it." 
  "For fucks sake Hope. I love you, I loved you from the very first time I saw you in the Cafe studying your little glasses perched on your nose. I loved you when you teased me when you caught that smart ass attitude of yours. When you were calm during your taking. How you left me clues to find you. From  the first time we made love, I loved you and only you. Not a victim but the strong sexy woman that stands in front of me right now. I love you and only you Hope." He moved closer to her his body crowding hers. "Prove it." Hope whispered softly. Heath cupped the nape of her neck his hand tightening in her hair. Her heart was pounding rapidly in her chest as he caught her mouth in a demanding kiss. Hope sighed softly surrendering herself to him. She pushed at his jacket her hands gripping his shoulders tightly. Heath gripped her shirt and ripped it down the middle leaving her in her bra and pants. Hope pulled his shirt off her hands meeting taunt warm skin. Her body betrayed her as he lifted her up her legs wrapping securely around his waist. "Tell me you love me Hope." Heath demanded kissing down her throat as her back hit the cold wall. "You know I do." She gasped her hands scratching down his back as he slowly removed her clothes baring her to him. She had scars from her time with Luna in those places they haunted her and Heath knew that and he stuck by her.  His fingers traced the scars gently his mouth following suit until he was knees in front of her, Hope looked down at him as placed a gentle kiss to her stomach and then he stopped and reached into his pocket. Hope watched as he took out his handcuffs and he took her hand in his and looked up at her before standing. He placed one cuff to her wrist and the other to his. "Heath?" 
  "Hope I love you so much. I never want to lose you again. I want to spend my life with you for the rest of my time on earth. I want you by my side always. You're my partner in every aspect." Hope swallowed hard as he put the other cuff on his wrist locking them together and he intertwined their hands holding it above her head holding her to him. "I don't have one yet but I hope this is good for now. Our hands cuffed together to show that I stand with you no matter what. That it's you and me always. Hope will you marry me?" Hope didn't say anything as he kissed her taking control of her body. This is what love and happiness felt like being here with him and no one else there to ruin it. Hope wrapped her leg around Heath's waist and let him take her over the edge. 

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