Chapter 1.) The great Plan

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Your POV
You were currently playing COD with the guys..... Cam, Nash and your twin brother Matthew. "I suck at this game it's not fair" you whine. Cam laughs. "Don't feel bad Y/n, your going up against the champ" he added. You see Matt shake his head to disagree. "Champ my ass, I could beat you eyes closed". This gained the attention of Nash who looked up from his phone. "That a challenge" Nash questioned. "You better believe it" you say. Just then your lovely mom walks in. "Hi mommy" Matt says. Matt is incredibly sweet to your mom. "Hi sweetheart, I just came to tell you kids that your producer is here" your mom says smiling. Now you may be thinking... what producer? A couple months ago we all signed a contract to be placed in this group. We would do shows and make fun videos and content together. We would ultimately use each other to all rise to the top. That was the game plan. It was up to our producer to gather the minds  (kids/members)    and bring everything together. As your mom walked out the producer came in. "Hello kids" he says smiling. "Sup" Nash says. The producer smiles looking at everyone. "We need to leave for a meeting now. I have gathered all of the minds needed" he states. You and Nash look at each other. You were frightened that it was coming together, but there was something about Nash that felt so safe... almost loving. "Alright, lets go then" Matt says standing up.


You all got to sit down around a big table. As you looked around you quickly realized you were the only girl. Cam seemed to notice to. He gave you an apologetic glance and then looked back up to the board the producer was standing at. "So, you may all be wondering.... why such a group as this" he began. "When designing our group I was careful to chose the kids that went into it. To get in you all had to be gifted and creative individuals. You should take pride on your traits. Now, the ultimate goal was to get a group of kids that can have creative minds to create content. Looking at all of you now I see we have greatly accomplished that. I even added a couple of extra pops to really make this group stand out. Take music for example. Everyone meet Shawn" the producer said. Everyone looked over to a boy holding a guitar. He had fluffy drown hair and a killer jawline. "Hey everyone" he said. "Hey" everyone said back. The producer smiled continuing with his speech. "I also added a special KEY element to the group. A girl." By now everyone was looking at you. Nash went closer to you. He rested his hand on yours  and gave you a comforting smile. "The best part is... not only do we have a girl, but a set of twins!! Double points there" the producer said. Matt looked at you and rolled his eyes mimicking the producers face. You both giggled and turned back to him.

"Now every great group needs a name... what's ours? You may ask......

..... well call it.... Magcon"

Beyond this. Nash Grier X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora