Chapter 2.) Get ready

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Your pov
You woke up to Matt lying in your bed. You pop up and give him a weird look... silently judging him. You softly shake him to get him up. His eyes meet with yours as he sighs. "Morning baby twin" he said. That was his nickname for you since he was the older twin. "Morning..... what are you doing in my room, more importantly my BED" you question. Matt frowns and looks up at you. "I couldn't sleep last night...... after all the new info I just couldn't put my mind to rest. You always calm me even when your not conscious... so I came in" he said. You frown and ruffle his hair. You really did love your brother. Something no one knew about him was that he had major anxiety when it came to certain things. It was weird. He could easily go up to anyone and strike up a convo. But sometimes he had anxiety about being away from you. That usually happens when he gets overwhelmed. "Wanna go to Dunkin Donuts" Matt asks. You agree.


"What one would look better" you question Izzy. Izzy was your best girlfriend. Today you and her were going to the mall because of a much needed wardrobe update. You were leaving for Magcon in 2 days... so Izzy offered to help you get a new wardrobe. "Uhh.. defiantly the blue one" she said satisfied with her answer. You smile and set it in the keep pile. You slip on a red cropped sweater and turn to your best friend. "What about this" you say beaming.  Izzy smirks and looks at you. "Nash would like that one" she says crossing her arms. You gasp and turn red without realizing. "What... why would I care what Nash thinks" you protest. Izzy giggled. "Oh come on!! I have seen the way you look at him!! I have seen the way he looks at you!! You guys clearly have feelings for each other". You drop the red sweater in the keep pile and look up at Izzy. "Maybe I do like Nash" you softly say. Izzy squeals and hugs you. "I have waited so long for you to say that y/n!!"

Beyond this. Nash Grier X ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant