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"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
"Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

~ Jeremiah 29:11

New book, so please let me know what you think. Happy New Year now...
Night Strike: Hurry up already
Night Fire: Shut up and let the creature start.
Me: Okay? Let starts

In an unknown room that pitched black, shadows gripping on the tip of leftover dim lightning from a single lightbulb handling from the ceiling. Due to the light preserved in the small room, on the white tiled walls shown blood stains that were dried up while a few  stash marks appeared. In the center of the room, a human figure covered in tubes, extra components covered in misty blood.

Outside of room, a metal door slightly opened with specs of light from the hallway, two male like voices are heard, one gritter that the other.

"...what should we do...with Subject 1..2..?"

"Voi..ces," mumbled the figure as wake ups and rise it's head. Due to its movement, the thought of extra components on its body were, in fact it part of it.

"..Get him ready, .. I be in there ....." I need to get out, once they left, I opened my eyes slowly, it was blurry at first, soon I got use the light, I saw an white room cover with blood, I was cover with chains damn it so I used my craws to break the chains. I fell to the ground hard and should have seen that coming. I try to get up but fall,come on, come on. I thought so soon I slowly got up and saw the door open idiots, so I walk towards the door, I got out, as I walk to the near exit, the alarm went off and I heard...

"Guards! Subject 102 have escaped"
Great, soon I was surrounded by soldiers pointing guns at me. The leader said, "Subject 102, go back to your to your cage!"
I growled "no"
"Subject 102 go ..."
I whisper, "Where are they?"
"Subject 102, this is your last warning go...."
I demand"Where are they?!"
"This isn't over."he mutter
"Captured Him!" he yelled
Soon they shoot I used my wings to protect myself, blood,scars, cuts, the moment soon came, some need to reload so I ran to the halls, hearding shouting behind me, as I was cover with blood, I kept running until...

I saw the room with Subject 98 there was she is, she was covered with spikes, chains, tubes, her blonde hair over her, scars, blood all over her what happened to her, I try shouting her name opening the door...

It won't open. So I shot a plasma blast from my mouth, the door broke open. I ran to her, waking her up, as she did, her ocean blue eyes with pain, what happened

"We need to get you out of here." I worry so much that I swear they will pay, but this worry me so much way more when she said....
"," she said with pain in her throat. What happened to her?
"What? No, I'm not leaving you, M'lady, you are my friend I will..."
" no hop.e... for me.. Leave ... before it's to la.te.." Then I heard shouting
"Alright, but I promise I come back to you,"
"I never break a promise, okay?"

After I ran out of the room and I saw them
"There he is!" one examined
"Get Him," another yelled
So I ran as fast as I could, then I saw it, a box. The Sources, why do I have a feeling I need to grab it  so I grab the box man this is heavy, and I ran while being chased
"He got The Sources grab him."
"Don't let him escape!"
Then I saw it, an opening, so I ran but isn't helping, I try to fly but sort of glide but isn't much help then I saw the opening, I was outside, it was night time but they are following me still so I ran and ran through the forest. Branches scratching me through until I saw a cave, I ran inside and hid, and a few moments later, men passed by saying
"Where did he go?"
"I don't know,"
"I think he went that way,"
"Let's go,"
The men followed. I was breathing hard, holding the box close to my chest, and blood was still bleeding,

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