chapter 34

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Ashlynn's POV:

we've been driving for what feels like ages. we soon come to a harsh stop and I slam into the back of the passenger seat and of course get a fucking nose bleed. he opens the door and sees me gushing blood and he could not seem to care less, he just resumes grabbing me by my upper arms so hard his grimy callused fingers sure to leave bruises on my skin. once my eyes adjust to the bright sun i see we're in a large field with tall unkempt grass. he drags me behind him again not caring about my nose that may or may not have stopped bleeding by now as he keeps looking around at his surroundings.

after maybe 10 or so minutes of being dragged through this field I see a large abandoned shack looking thing in the distance, I muster up the courage to speak. I know once i make a sound he will hurt me but I cant let all this happen without trying to do something about it.

"what the hell do you want with me now?" I say as it comes out hoarse and almost a whisper.

"you really expected me to just let you get away from me without revenge? you sent me to jail, and now you'll pay" he says with slight amusement clear in his raspy voice

"you fucking kidnapped me for literally no reason, what did you think was going to happen to you?" I nearly yell as my voice gets louder with anger. he then laughs as we reach the shack he whispers in my ear

"its not what happened to me... its what's going to happen to you....." his voice sends chills down my spine and puts knots in my stomach I think I'm going to vomit.

Hayes' POV

we are now waiting for the cops to show because Nash and jack don't think its a good idea to face this guy without them but I need to get to ash, what if he hurts her? what if her phone dies and I cant track it anymore? I'm so worried I cant stop pacing, only noises I can hear are my shoes on the hard wood and my racing heart beat.

my prayers are answered when I hear the door bell ring. I don't hesitate to run to the door, I open the door to a familiar face..

"what in gods name are you doing here?" i say with my blood boiling. this mans scum of a father just took my baby for the second time and if he even so much as looks at me the wrong way right now i will kill him.

"oh god no, did he do it?" he says frantically pulling at the roots of his hair

"did who do what? and you didn't answer my question" I snap.

"M- my father, he.. he took her? Did she take her again?" He asks again.

"How in God's name did you know she was taken? Do you know where he is? Why is he doing this to her again?" All these questions flood out quickly

It's all starting to make sense... That's why he's been around so much.. at the car to find Ash after the show, at coffee shops by the house. Ash says she sees him everywhere but doesn't know his deal..
He's been watching her, learning her schedule. He's in on this

"Okay listen to me and listen good. I know you're in on this, I know you're pretending to act concerned for whatever reason but I'm not buying it. I know you've been spying on her, so you are going to take me wherever the fuck your father took my girlfriend so I can get her befire he tried to hurt her again." I say through my clenched teeth as I grip is collar so violently he cowers in my presence

"I..I don't know what you're t-talking about" he says almost as a whisper

"Oh.. you haven't been watching Ash? Spying on her every move?..learning her schedule? You didn't give her schedule to your Fucked up father so he knew where she'd be so he can take her? I know what you're up to and I don't know what you dicks have against her, but she's mine. Not yours.. not his.. but mine. And if you don't bring me to where she is right fucking now... I will make sure that your lives are miserable. Got it?"

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