We are not alone

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The next rode they took was in much worse condition. The asphalt was cracked in many places. Huge tree roots grew out of them onto the street. They saw less and less buildings that were in good condition, as if they were nearing the area where the main bomb was dropped.

The silence was intimidating, it almost gave them a sense that tunnel fever was not only in the metro but it could be on the surface as well.

- Thank you. - Ivan said into the darkness.

- What for? - Alfred said still keeping his guard up, the gun in his hands.


- For letting me go into that building. - Ivan said finally. - It was a really stupid idea.

- It was.

- Just like all of your ideas.

- Hey! Where did that come from?!

- Lower your voice or we will attract something. - Ivan said smiling behind his gas mask.

- Do you really think that all my ideas are stupid. - Alfred whispered this time.

- Not all. Maybe ninety percent.

- Okay, give me an example then comrade.

- I told you to not call me that!

- Give me an example.

- Lets, see. Leaving the Norcis without a plan maybe?

- I thought you forgave me for that?

- I did, but that idea was stupid. Just saying. We could have died.

- But I saved you.

- For once, princess.

- Why did you call me that?

- Because you are one, so gentle, can't shoot a gun and all.

- I don't need saving, thank you very much.

- Thank God you don't! - He laughed sincerely. - To be honest, I think it is a miracle that I met you.

- What?

- It is a miracle that I met you, back there. If it weren't for you, I would probably kill myself, knowing that I don't have a goal, a place to come back to. And now... now I know what I am doing, I can share all of this with someone. My dream of going to the surface came true, and it all seemed that easy.

- I mean, if it weren't for you I would have died back there, and if not, I would probably get myself killed on the first station I got to. I would never decide to do something like this alone, I am not that crazy.

Ivan looked at him.

- Okay, okay maybe I am, anyway, I would have died if it weren't for you. - Alfred added laughing.

- I probably would as well.

Silence fell upon them.

They took another turn. Ivan turned around feeling like something was looking at them... he was not wrong.

About three hundred meters behind them stood a tall figure. It stood on two legs but did not look like a human. It was much taller than a human, its eyes shining bright yellow as if it had flashlights instead of eyes. It was completely gray. Its arms long, almost to the ground with very long fingers or nails, Ivan could not tell. The creature was completely silent, every time they made a step forward it made one as well, as if to check how long it would take the two to notice that it was there.

Ivan tapped Alfred on the shoulder to make him turn around to see the creature which almost made him jump and scream but he stopped himself at the last moment.

How long has it been walking behind them? Was it listening to their conversation? Did it understand what they were saying? Was it a human? Would it kill them?

They turned and started walking again, as if not noticing the creature, it was hard knowing that that thing could jump at them in any moment.

They walked for about a hundred meters and turned around again. The thing was still there. The same distance away.

Ivan put up his gun and was about to aim at the creature.

- Don't. - He whispered just so that Ivan could barely hear him. - If you shoot, the sound will attract more of them.

Ivan nodded and lowered his gun once again. Alfred was right, the creature wasn't doing anything yet, shooting at it should be the last thing that he should do.

They were walking faster and faster until Alfred broke into a run. He didn't want to be there, his brain was telling him to stop but his body refused to listen. Ivan soon caught up to him and without asking questions, he too started running.

The creature was silently following them, it was much faster than they expected it to be.

Ivan was looking at the map, to make sure that they were going the right way.They were about to enter a tunnel when Alfred could not handle it anymore. His leg hurt, he was running out of breath. He was scared of the creature. He stopped and turned around, he closed his eyes and with shaking hands, he shot at the creature. He was aware that he told Ivan not t do it but it was just too much for him. He then heard another shot and a loud scream of the creature. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the creature lying dead in front of him. Alfred almost let out the gun out of his hands, he was trembling... he shot a gun, he shot at a living thing. He wanted to cry.

Ivan took him buy the arm and pulled him into the tunnel which was still full of cars.

- Why did you do that? - Ivan asked him when they made sure that nothing else was following them.

The tunnel was short so it took them less than five minutes to get to the other side and turn onto another street.

- I...I don't know. - Alfred finally said. - It just happened.

- Now you know what I am talking about your stupid ideas. God knows what heard us.

The sky was slowly getting lighter. They had about two hours to get to the metro station. That was a lot of time.

Knowing that, Alfred slowly stopped by a wall and slid down into a sitting position. He had to rest, gather his thoughts.


Happy New Year! 

I clearly have nothing better to do so here, have a chapter! 

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