Welcome to our station

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- So, are you really here just for a transfer? - Antonio kept on asking his numerous questions which were meant to prove to them that they did something wrong.

- Yes. - Ivan's answers were short. He knew well that he should not tell everything to this mafia man. Especially if it were to argue with him. God knows what types of tortures they offered to people who upset them...

Alfred was sitting next to him in complete silence, no one knew how those two would treat foreigners.

- I know you're lying cunts. - Romano would scream out answers from time to time, his mouth did not close at all.

- Calm down Romano. - Antonio laughed a bit.

- You shut up bastard! I know better than you.

- Where are you going then? - He continued, asking another question which visibly annoyed Romano.

- Leninsky Prospekt. - Ivan lied of course. In fact they wanted to get enough gear and open the entrance to the metro to get out as fast as they could. They passed the river fairly quickly and now all they had to do was to get to the University which could not have been that far away from here.

- What do you want there? - Antonio was surprised.

- There's nothing there. Not even shit. - Romano added. - You sound suspicious. You're not spies, are you? - Romano asked, pointing his rifle at him.

- No. - Ivan answered with no doubt.

Why would he not tell them what they were going? It was because he knew that Alfred would not want that. If other people found out that the University actually exists and that the life there is much better than here... they would attack it right away, try to take it over. It would be like a race and in the end, they would leave the place run down, not understanding how it functions.

- Not one of those asses Nordics, are you? - Antonio continued as Romano spat on the floor when he heard the name.

- Who? - Ivan asked, trying to sound as confused as he possibly could. Of course he knew who they were. They saved them at the start. He was aware that their station was not far from here but why did these two hate them so much.

- Who you ask. - Antonio threw his gun to the back of the room to free his hands. - Some stupid idiots who think that they can attack our station. That's who they are.

- Bastards! Always want to come and attack. Screw them and their so called "Nordic Kingdom"! - Romano added.

- Idiots just come and want to play. Oh, we will show them how to play, just you wait. They will probably come some time soon. Maybe in the next two weeks.

- Why won't you just defend the entrance to your station. - Ivan tried to sound calm.

- What? - They both asked confused.

- You know, put a guard or two at the entrance who would defend it. We came in without anyone stopping us.

- Guards? - Antonio laughed. - Look around. Do any of those people which you saw look fit to handle a gun? I don't think so.

- All are retarded. - Romano butted in.

- Pretty much. The radiation got them a long time ago. They're more like mutants than humans at this point. Surprising how long they managed to survive! But you know, it is much easier to control a hoard of brainless corpses than it is to control normal humans.

- What are these guns for then? - Ivan asked interested.

- What for? For shooting you idiot! - Romano shouted.

- We sell them. Nothing wants to grow here, too much radiation. Not the type that would harm a human. It sits in the ground, you try to plant something and nothing grows, ever.

- Don't you want to get out of here? - Ivan continued.

- Fuck no!

- Where did all of these people come from then? - Ivan asked again.

- Where? From a different line. Crawled here a long time ago. Ate up everything that was left of the people who tried to hide here. They won't touch anything that's alive. They're so scared of loud noises that all it takes to get them out of sight is a single shot. One thing I will tell you for sure is that they are not human anymore. They speak their own messed up language and feed on corpses. Of course, we won't kill someone on purpose to keep them alive, they can live months and months until someone wonders in here. Usually spies, so we have a bit of... fun... and then throw them so that the retards eat. How interesting it is to see them fight for that single corpse. They at least get the job done, we don't need to dig holes to hide them or leave them in a nearby tunnel, do you know how that would stink?

- Like a pile of shit. - Romano answered.

- Anyway, they are probably the least harmful things that you will meet in this part of the metro.

- They used to be human? - Alfred decided to open his mouth, choosing each word carefully, knowing which ones he would not mispronounce, making his sentence as simple as he could.

- Oh, look who finally decided to open his mouth! - Romano shooted out, glaring at him which scared the American.

- Yes. The radiation was so high where they were, that this happened. Crazy isn't it? And others thought that nothing can ever destroy the mighty humans.

- Bullshit. - It was Romano again.

Those "things" were human? They looked like they were in such misery. Maybe in this case it would be much better to kill them so that they can rest once and for all. Those thoughts were racing in Alfred's head and he tried to analyze their next steps.

- Now, before we forget. - Antonio spoke up again. - Your version of the story sounds like bullshit. We know you are spies. And. - He turned to Alfred. - Good thing that you asked about our retarded citizens. Let's have some fun. You'll be able to see for yourselves.

Before they could do anything, both Alfred and Ivan got knocked out by Romano who was surprisingly fast.

- Yes, lets have some fun. - Antonio repeated, laughing like crazy. The evil could be heard in his tone.


Well hello there!

It's me again. Wasn't updating this FanFic for a while but now I have more ideas so let's hope this goes forward. 

Also, in the past couple of days I have started another FanFic on my profile which is a LietPol and it is pretty sad and depressing so if you like angst then come on over! I really wanted to write something like that after writing a lot of nice things. 

To add onto my shameless self promotion, my PruCan fanfic is also growing super fast. As of today it has only one chapter less than this one... Wow... I do have WAY to much time on my hands.

If you're interested, check it out I guess??

I don't know.

I'll just shut up and go back to my super cold environment.

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