[2] Stranger In The Park

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Alex's POV

"Can you ever be normal?!" Mrs. Moyer, The owner of the orphanage, yells at me annoyed. I just blink crossing my arms "I am normal" I say with a sigh. Mrs. Moyer groans and opens her mouth for another lecture but I grab my skate board and my 'travel bag'. She stares at me "Where do you think your going?" I just walk out and put on my head phones blasting music into my ears. I make my way to the park just as the sun goes down over the horizon. A small smile creeps onto my lips as I stare at the purples, reds and oranges. I sit in the grass and stare at the sky for a long time. I close my eyes with a sigh and start to sing softly. The wind seems to pick up around me and I feel slightly warm. Like somebody is hugging me. I smile tears running down my face as the warmth slowly leaves. "Your good at singing" I jump at a male voice behind me. I turn and see a guy in his twentys. He slightly smiles at me and sits down next to me "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you at all, but I was just walking and heard you singing." He says with a smile. I smile back "It's nothing. I should pay more attention, thats all. Sorry to interrupt your walk." I mumble before looking at the sky. "You didn't interrupt anything. In fact, your voice is amazing." He whispers. A smile creeps across my lips "Thanks..." "Thomas." I look at him and see he has his hand out to me. I gently shake his hand "Alex, well, Alexandra." Thomas smiles then pulls out his phone "Not to pry but aren't your parents worried abour you? It's pretty late." Thomas asks looking at me. I look too the side "I don't have parents..." I mumble thinking about my father. Warmth covers my body and I realise Thomas is hugging me. I would normally pull away but something about it feels...normal. I put my arms around his torso and hug him back "I'm so sorry." He mumbles into my ear. I only nod and he lets me go.

I stand up and Thomas stand up as well. I start my way back to the orphanage then turn to Thomas "Thank you for...uh...being nice to me." I mutter. Thoams smiles "No problem. Maybe I'll see you again." I nod and he holds out his fist. I bump my fist into his and he makes a weird sound and moves his fingers. I laugh with small smile on my face. I walk up the steps to the orphanage and go to open the door "Hey, Alex?" I turn around looking at him "Yeah?" Thomas smiles "You should smile more. It looks good on you." He says putting his hands in his pockets. I smile and nod "Maybe I will. Bye, Thomas." I say just loud enough for him to hear "Bye, Alex." He says before walking away.

My room is ice cold when I go upstairs and I sigh then start to think about what it would be like if I was adopted. I turn on the heater then grab a pair of leggings and a shirt. I put them on before climbing into bed. I close my eyes then think back to Thomas. A smile crosses my face "That's the only comfort I've felt since...papa." I whisper. My eyes cloud up with tears as I grab my stuffed rabit hugging it tightly. "Goodnight, papa. I love you." I mumble before falling into a deep sleep.

Sanders Sides and Me (Adopted by TS//F.F)Where stories live. Discover now