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Trawns p.o.v.----------

I stood there in a loss for words as the creature who claimed to be the one in the middle disappeared before my blaster bolt could hit him. I  heard his deep laugh send vibrations through my whole body, i was furious, first i lost the battle second this bendu did not die! 

"sir you are to report to a star destroyer immediately. ''

      At the moment i just wanted to throw my com link at the crater left by that creature. Except something felt of about the summons i just got, but i just brushed it of as after battle effects.

     After bording the star destroyer a escort of storm troopers brought me straight to my own office? What i saw in there almost made my jaw drop, Agent Kallus was talking to a hologram of the emperor. I know what the emperor looks like from images but i had never dreamed of talking to him in any way.

      One of the storm trooper shoved me forward, I spun around and was about to strike the storm trooper down for hitting  a higher ranking official when Agent kallus barked

         "bring the prisoner forward trooper!"  I stopped "what prisoner?" kallus chuckled "you, you fool."

                This time two of the troopers cuffed me and guided me in front of the hologram. The emperor did not acknowledge me he just tarted talking to kallus.

       " In light of the recent fail of the grand admiral i remove this tittle and position from him, i declare him a prisoner of the new grand admiral kallus."

Realization hit me like a imperial troop transport, i am now nothing, i let these words sink in all i have worked for all i have done, and now , i am nothing.

i am nothing, i am nothing, those words kept bouncing round in my head, i am nothing,i am nothing, and i want nothing more than to be nothing, i want to die.

i heard the emperor chuckle and say it has begun. what has begun i thought before i was struck on the back of the head and passed out.

 what has begun i thought before i was struck on the back of the head and passed out

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heras p.o.v.------

I called everyone to the main room for a mission it has been 3 days science the attack on chopper base and we have intell that i think the crew should know. 

     i made my way from the cockpit to the main room to find everyone already gathered so i joined them and started my report.

     i made my way from the cockpit to the main room to find everyone already gathered so i joined them and started my report

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 As you all probably know it was Thrawn that lead the attack  on chopper base correct.

yes?! all of the crew replied

"why are you bringing this up now Hera" Sabine asked.

let me continue please Sabine, anyway Thrawns in trouble and were gonna save him.


That's crazy! no! Why! 

 shut it and let me speak please.

the complaints were done but the questions were far from it.

why would we help him ? who in there right mind would help some creepy blue dude?

One at a time! 

Hera how can we be sure this is not a trap. 

kanan, i can feel it i  know this is right and i know we need to help Trawn.

after many minutes of debating and side switching the crew finally came to an agreement to save Thrawn and convince him to join the rebels.

third person p.o.v.-----

when he woke thrawn was confused as to were he was and then he remembered the week now? he believes that  he has been imprisoned.  during his imprisonment he has been tortured it is hard just to think right. now the only thing keeping him sane is the thought of how badly he wants to destroy this pitiful star destroyer. he was getting dizzy now but he swears he can hear an alarm going of out side his cell.. 

Hurry! ill be right here ready to fly out chop close all doors into this hanger except for the one kanan and ezra use. Hera was barking of orders while everyone else was on the ramp clearing the hanger of all its storm troopers. 

cmon kanan! 

ezra! just because you were put in command for this mission does not mean you should run out and get shot. 

you just wanted to be first kanan i'm first this time

aaaargh your so undisciplined.they fought through the corridors in the directionof the cell that Thrawn was being help in the security was surprisingly low for a prisoner of such importance. when they reached the door and unlocked it sure enough there was Thrawn all disheveled and torn up blood soaked his close and he himself was clearly out.

Thrawn p.o.v. 

i woke with a start someone opened my cell door and it was not the usual time for this to happen so i acted like was still blacked out to see who it was and what they were doing. i heard someone who sounded like a small boy talk first "this is him lets grab em and go" than an older sounding male replied to the younger "no we don't even know if hell help us or not for all we know this is a set up."

deciding these people were here to help him he lifted his head to see who they were and instantly recognized the boy Ezra Bridger and the Jedi Kanan Jarrus.

he than got a idea he would get close to the crew than strike take the boy and destroy the ship and its crew yes this was what he will do.

help his voice came like a croak help i want to defect from this retched... and darkness he had blacked out.


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