the plan

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Once again the characters are Disney. i also once again apologies ahead of time for spelling and grammar errors

He heard voices far of, he was confused where am i whats happening. he woke with a jolt. he was in some sort of med bay and there were......the rebels it all came flooding back to him his failure his plan, yes his plan.

Ezra pov 

hey Ezra. 

yeah Rex

can you bring the med supplies to Hera, she needs them for Thrawn.

sure thing i replied while hopping down the latter to the cargo hold. i engaged the anti grav on the boxes Rex indicated and made my way to the med bay. i opened the doors and even though   i knew who was in the room i still could not keep a sense of panic and fear away. those red eyes locked on mine and i involuntarily let out a whimper of fear. 

Hera! i yelled wanting to leave the room as soon as possible

you don't have to yell Ezra i'm right here thank you you can go now.

i breathed a sigh of relief after the doors closed behind me. there was something in the way that Thrawn looked at him that felt wrong so wrong.

thrawns pov 

a few minutes after waking up the boy came in with boxes of what i assume is med supplies. Ezra Bridger i almost wanted to say the name aloud. we made eye contact and that was when i got the idea of exactly how i would turn the boy against his crew. Torture yes the boy would break under torture

Hera! the boy called the pilot came back in but i did not care i just kept my eyes on the prize.

3rd pov

Hera saw the way Trawn was looking at ezra and she could not resist the motherly instincts deep within her that she has for her crew.

you can go now Ezra.

 as soon as the doors shut she turned on Trawn 

now you look her blue dude Ezra is a good kid and i don't know what your doing but you better stop.

oh really 

YES REALLY she was pissed that thrawn would brush her Off like that

and why is that

she could not help herself she let it out before she could think about what she was saying because we all love him like family and we will easily end you to protect him.

this set thrawn over the edge, well he will be mine and he will join the dark side he grabbed a syringe and jabbed it into heras neck giving her the full dose she slumped down knocked out cold.
Now thrawn thought i shall begin.

Rex pov

CLUNK ......CLUNK .....CLUNK....
what is that?
its getting closer let me check.
I turened the corner and walked in the direction of the med bay. At the med bay doors he found thrawn thrying to jam them shut.

hey! i yelled what are you doing?

My plan, was thrawns simple reply right before he ran at Rex knocking him over, Rex jumped up and hit thrawn square on the jaw, but it wasn't enough thrawn did a sweeping kick nocking his legs out from underneath of him and he fell flat . then thrawn drug him to the air lock to throw him out while they were in light speed
(Rip rex)  ;(

Just whatever i want pov (i think i'm going to stop with the pov changes just be like 3rd person you know.)

Now thought Thrawn time to find Ezra Bridger.

thrawn walked over to one of the computers on deck and searched for the bunking layout. 

he found out that the boy slept with that stinky lasat.

"hmm" he thought "what to do with the lasat?"

and once again a brilliant idea came to him ..... nothing he will do nothing to the lasat but the boy will.

next thrawn found the ship cameras and was searching thoroughly looking for a pattern as to how the crew moves about the ship it just so happens the most used corridor was the one with the bedrooms attached.

kannan was kneeling in his room meditating, something has felt of with the force ever since they picked up thrawn and he was very worried.

all was calm ...for now, or so he thought.

Hera!!! Hera!! were are you, sabine has checked the cockpit the kitchen the main room the storage bay, were else could she be?

then a thought came to her maybe shes in her bedroom.


yes sabine 

running into his room leaning heavely on the wall she could barely pant out i..... can't.......find.......Hera..... i just ... barely ran every where looking she is not here and the med bay doors are jammed shut.

well than lets go ... AAAAAHHH!!! 

Kannan!! are you OK? Sabine ran up and knelt next to the now laying down kannan his body started shaking and his eyes rolled back showing mostly white.

and when he spoke his voice sounded harsh and deep very deep "Ezra Bridger, is destined to to fallow a path leading deep to the center of a world end he will not exit the same as he had entered.

Whats that supposed to mean? Kannan wake up please your scaring me


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