Caroline Flack's Daughter?! - Fling or Fate?

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Harry's POV

   I had a fun surprise for Jenny tonight. This was gonna be great. I missed Caroline a bit and a bit of Jenny reminded me off her as if they were related.

   Jenny looked beautiful. I mean, her outfit didn't look as if she tried very hard but her hair and make-up made up for it. She looked amazing.

   "Are you gonna tell me where we are going?" She asks eagerly. She is literally jumping up and down in her seat and gripping my arm like a kid.

  I loved her energy.

  "Nope." I said popping the 'p'.

   "Grr." She said acting mad.

   "Oh c'mon. Don't pout." I said. She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

   It felt like we've known eachother for a long time. I liked this girl. She wasn't the 'one night stand' or the just a 'fling'. She was the type to hold a long and serious relationship with.

   "Okay. C'mon love." I said parking the car infront of the forest.

   "Uh. Har where are we?" She said. 'Har'. I liked that.

   "You'll find out." I said walking towards the trunk. I grabbed a blanket and a picnik basket.

   "Here." She said taking the blanket. I intwined our fingers. She blushed at it and I lead her around the forest.

 She started to shiver and I realized she took off her cardigan in the car.

 "Here." I said taking off my blazer and placing it on her shoulders.

 "You smell good." She said. I grabbed her hand and she started to shake. No because she was cold but because she was scared. I pulled her closer and she relaxed a bit.

  "Here we are." I said. We were right by a cliff which opened towards the water. It was a beautiful sight. The sun was just about to go down and I thought 'Perfect timing!'

  She giggled and set the blanket on the ground not to close to the edge.

  "This is amazing." She said looking out towards the view.

  "Yes." I said replying. She turned to me and laughed.

  "How about some food? I'm starving." She said. I chuckled and opened the basket.

  I pulled out some bread that was warm and handed her a piece of it. I handed her some butter and a knife to put it on. She did as so and bit in to it. I never thought someone could look so attractive biting into a piece of bread.

  "This is so good!" She said. "Did you make it?"

  "Yeah," I started. "I used to work in a bakery before X-Factor."

   "So, tell me about yourself." She said. "Besides you are in a band."

   "Well," I said thinking. "I have a sister named Gemma who is amazing. We are really close. And my mum Anne is amazing. I miss them alot. They divorced when I was about seven. That was terrible because I didn't really know what was really going on but I remember crying alot."

   I stopped and I heard her sniffle. "Babe are you crying?" I ask her.

  "YES!" She yelled but not in a rude way. "It's terrible you don't get to see your family, I mean you are only 17 and you already moved out and everything."

  "Yes. But I'm doing something I love and their proud of me." I said. I sat closer to her and wrapped my arms around her shoulder. She rested her head in my chest and sobbed for a bit.

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