Caroline Flack's Daughter?! - Explaining Everything

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Jenny's POV

    "Please, just tell me." Harry said as we lie in his bed at night.

    It's been about two weeks from that incident with Dave. Bella is still a bit freaked out about it but he's not gonna touch her.

    As for Harry, he is still begging for me to explain everything that happened.

    "Harry, I-"

    "Don't." He snapped. "Just tell me. I don't want us to have anything to hide when we get married."

    "Fine." I said giving in.

    "Tell me." He said.

    I laid my head on his chest and he pulled me closer.

   "Well," I said. "My mum had a relationship with a guy. Dave. We called him Dangerous Dave though."

   "One day I was just up in my room doing school work. Well, I could hear them yelling about some random thing."

   "What did he do to her?" Harry asked with scarce in his voice.

   "I came down," I said. "When I heard a scream. He hit her. Over and over not just once."

   "And he didn't see you?" Harry asked.

   "No," I said. "I was on the stairs. Mum saw me and motioned me to call the police. I did as so and they came a couple minutes later."

    "Did they get him?" Harry questioned.

    "Yeah," I said. "He was only in jail for about a year."

    "Did he come after you two?" Harry asked tightening his grip on me.

    "No," I said. "Well, when he got out he turned into a weird and different person. He stalked me. One day he found me walking alone. He tried doing..things.. I socked him in the balls and ran. I called the police and accused him of rape."

     "Did they get him?" He asked again.

     "No," I said. "He ran. To some place I guess. They never caught him until that one night a couple weeks ago with Bella."

     "Wow." Harry said. 

     "I know." I said.

     "Come here." He said.

     He picked me up and set me on his lap. He moved a piece of my hair from my face and stared into my eyes.

    "What are you staring at?" I asked him.

    I wrapped my arm around his neck and he pulled me closer.

   "Nothing." He said. "You just are so beautiful. I don't understand how beautiful someone could be. And you are the best thing that happened in my life."

   "I love you." I said.

   "I love you forever okay?" He said.

   I smiled and he kissed my lips gently. We then fell asleep.


  "Do you have a certain type of dress you wanted?" The lady asked me.

   Eleanor, Danielle, my mum, Gemma, Bella and I were at the dress shop for the wedding dress.

   "Yes." I said to the worker. "Have you seen Harry Potter? Do you know Fleur's dress?"

   "I think.." She said. "I'm not positive but we have a dress that I think is similar to it."

   I nodded and she went in the back to check.

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