At hospital

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Chief's pov
We finnaly arrive. We all then get out. I was sent to the waiting room. The others finnaly arrive.

"Have they said anything?" My girlfriend asks.

"Nothin they just took her back." I say.

It was three hours before they came out.

"Shearer." A doctor says.

I was quick to my feet.

"Yes I'm her father." I say.

"Your daughter is going to be just fine. But she's pretty banged up. She has a slight concussion, she had surgery on both knees, her lung is slightly bruised, and her right wrist, it is fractured again. You have a fighter on your hands." The doctor says.

I then smile and hugged my girlfriend.

"She's okay." I say.

My little girl will be okay. We then we're taken to her room. We sat by her and I took her hand.

"Hey baby. The doctors say your gonna be okay. We love you baby. We are not able to stay long but your mom and I will be back up here in the morning baby." I say.

I then let her hand go. Got up and kissed her head. I then move by the door. Then after she kissed her head, we left. I did not sleep at all. I told the boys about her the next dayand they came to the hospital with us. They only allowed two at a time in the room. The guys showed as well. When Monkey and I were in she woke up.

"Daddy." She says horsely.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" I ask.

"Sore as hell." She says.

"I know baby." I say.

"How long till I'm better?" She asks.

"I don't know baby." I say.

"Well guess this means I have to wait for asking to get on the list again." She says with a smile.

"Yeah." I say.

"Well this sucks. Caint race, or preform for a while. On a side note where is my kid and husband?" She asks.

"In the waiting room." I say.

"I'll go get them." Shawn says.

They then came in.

"Mommy!" Jadelynn says.

Jeff helped her on the bed.

"Mommy I missed you." She says.

"I missed you too honey." I say.

She hugged me, Jeff kissed my head and sat by dad. Then the doctor came in.

"Well who's this little one?" She asks.

"My little girl. Jadelynn." I say.

"Hi Jadelynn. I'm your mom's doctor." She says.

"Is mommy gonna be okay?" She asks.

"Yes she will honey." She says.

Jeff then picked up Jadelynn and held her.

"How are you feeling today?" She asks.

"Good. Just ready to get out of here." I say.

"Well by the looks of it you might can leave tomorrow." She says.

"Hopefully." I say.

"I'm guessing you don't like hospitals." She says.

"Never have." I say.

We all then laugh then she left.

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