The search prt 1

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                             Chiels' pov
I woke up a little after six AM. I then went searching again. I won't stop at anything. I drove, and drove, stopped to eat and fill up for gas, bought a togo deodorant, as well as tooth brush an paste, then I drove and drove . I had finnaly made it into Tennessee around one on Tuesday. It was early, dusk, and I was on a big mission. I then pull over, and decided to take a quick nap. I woke to my phone ringing, it was the detective from last weekend.

C-Detective Jones have y'all heard anything?
D-No. Where are you?
D-Stay where you are I have a dispatch  comming to now.
C-No ma'am. I gonna find my daughter even if it takes every breath in my body.
D-Miss, I have the best people on the case.
C-Where were y'all when she went missing huh? Y'all thought I had something to do with it. That's bull shit. I'd never hurt my child.
C-I ain't got time for this.

I then hung up and went back on the road.

I then made it into town and parked the truck, and walked into a restaurant.

"Excuse me, have you seen my daughter?" I ask a waitor as I show him a picture of Jadelynn.

"No ma'am I haven't." He says.

"Okay, thank you." I say.

I walked out and went into the store next door.

"Excuse me have you seen my daughter?" I ask showing the same photo.

"Yes. She was in with a couple yesterday." The lady at the counter says.

"Did they buy anything? Or do you have anything with there number?" I ask.

"Yes, what's the concern?" She asks.

"They kidnapped her. I've been driving for hours to find my baby." I say.

"Well due to store rules I caint hive you the number." She says.

"Are you a mother? I ask.

"Yes I have a little boy about your daughters age." She says.

"Well then you know the stress I'm under. Look. I'd kill for my daughter. She's my only child. She comes first always." I say.

"Okay. Here's the number and adress. I'll just lie to my boss." She whispers.

"Thank you." I say.

She gave me a small paper, I left and got in the truck.

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