Autumn leaves and Draco Malfoy

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I whipped my head aroud, to find that the pest himself was standing right behind me. As usual, Draco stood with the same arrogance, a cocky smile plastered on his lips. Except, his smirk didn't quite reach his eyes. His eyes held something different; was that? No it couldn't be. Was Draco Malfoy nervous?

Just as I was walking away, I felt a firm, yet gentle tug on my wrist. What the-

As I struggle to free myself from his strong grasp, I'm suprised when he lets me go.

Flustered and confused I start to turn around to get back to my classes, when I stop dead in my tracks.

Except, this time I'm not stopped by Draco grabbing me, it's his words that cause me to stop dead in my tracks.

"Hermione, could you please just let me talk?" Draco wispers. So quietly, I'm not sure if it's him talking, or the wispers of the wind in the trees.

Please?  Did the infamous Slitherin Bad Boy, just say please? I really do need more sleep.

Taken a back by his words, I take a few seconds to come to my senses. He's obviously just acting nervous and trying to make me pitty him, this is all a joke. He's probably going to shove a chocolate frog into my hair any minute now.

Except he doesn't. He just stands with his shoulders hunched, his head low and his light blonde hair blowing in the breeze.

He looks so fragile, so nervous. He doesn't look like the Draco I know, he looks, almost broken.

Gathering all the air I can, I force out an answer.

"Alright, get on with it then"

My words were harsh, but my voice was soft. I can hardly believe it's me talking. Maybe it's the his hair always falls perfectly over his eyes- Pull yourself together Hermione!

The look on his face tells me that he's as surprised as I am for not snapping at him. His eyes look wide, innocent almost. Like I a nervous child. What has gotten into him?

He opens his mouth to speak, but decides against it. Instead, he opens his arms and envelops me in a hug. His arms fitting perfectly over my hips. Before I can push him off, he's already gone.

Well that wasn't awkward.

Just as I'm about to head into the Castle, a flicker of movement catches my eye, up in one of the windows above me, I see raven black hair and round glasses.


And even from fifty feet below, I can still see the single tear falling down his cheek, before he turns away from view.

And for the first time since I've arrived,  I cry, and don't stop until dinner.

Dinner, yes dinner was when this story really ended, or should I say, when it really began.

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