It's All About Winters

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Here comes the winter and so does the fog.
Streets become lonely, not even a dog!

"Put on your sweater an where's your cap?"
Cries mom, "Wear it, or you want a slap?"

Helpless kids! Can't go to play.
Order their parents, "At home you have to stay."

Grandpa, Granny, basking in the sun.
Don't disturb them or they'll make you run.

In winters it there's sun, the housewives usually mutter,
"Today I'll wash every cloth and each and every sweater. "

Early winter mornings,
When the mist seems beautiful
Water droplets on the leaves,
Gazing at them is cheerful.

To have sunny noon, it's a pleasure
When in winters cold is the weather.

But the homeless poors suffer a lot!
For them, a warm blanket do anyone brought?

So one side the winters bring happiness and joy.
Other side somewhere, someone suffers but why?
Think about it, think about it.
Not a lot friends, just a bit!

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