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Me and Lucas are at Riley's place. We are waiting for Riley so that we can go bowling. I lay my head in lucas' lap and watch tv. Lucas starts to play with my hair. I smile and he smiles back at me. I speak up and say "It's nice when you're not always a jackass to me." He does his classic smirk and says "its nice when you're not always sarcastic and bitchy to me but i guess some things will never change." I roll my eyes. "What ever at least I can keep my dick and my pants and I don't go chasing every girl that looks at me." "Shut up." He says nudging me slightly. "You're only saying that because I'm right." I look up when he goes silent and all I see is him looking at the tv. "I'm just joking Lucas stop getting butt hurt." "Ha ha that's so funny Maya." He says sarcastically. "Come on Huckleberry don't be mad at me." I hold his face in my hands while my face is only inches away from his.

I walk in the room and see Lucas' face and Maya's face practically inches away from each others. I can't stand when I have to see them like this. The worse thing about this is that Lucas is MY ex boyfriend and Maya is MY best friend. Apparently Lucas and Maya are best friends and I have just been shoved aside. I sit in the doorway as i wait for them to kiss. Lucas and Maya's nose are practically touching both of their faces are really red. Oh god this is a mistake I can't watch them do this. I walk out of the house slamming the door making sure that they noticed i left.


Me and Maya are about to do something when we both hear the door slam. Maya lets go of me and says "I guess Riley is ready to go." She stands up and walks out the door I follow behind her. After I while of walking I hold onto her hand like I usually do while Riley walks in front of us. Maya whispers to me "Does Riley seem a little moody to you? she hasn't said a word to me all day." Riley turns around and says "I can hear you you know." And turns back around. I look at maya and nod. Maya smiles while rolling her eyes.

I let go of lucas' hand and I walk up to Riley. I say to Riley "Are you feeling okay? You can always talk to me if something is wrong." She looks at me and says "I'm fine. We can talk about it later." She seems so different today she's probably mad at me because we don't hang out like we used to. I look at her one more time and walk back to where Lucas was walking. I place my hand in his "She's being passive. Shes so annoying. All I want to do is to talk to her." I sigh. He squeezes my hand tighter to make me feel better and it works.

I am so tired of them pretending like I don't exist. And why do they act like a couple? But when I ask them they laugh and say they are just friends. I'm tired of feeling like a third wheel. Maya and I barely talk anymore it starting to feel like we are drifting apart. Soon enough we will be strangers to each other. The only reason I don't want to talk about it with Maya is because it's awkward. How am I suppose to say to her "Your relationship with Lucas is making me uncomfortable and you have to keep your distance from him and become my best friend again." I can't and I won't say that to her.

I'm worried about Riley honestly. But how are we suppose to help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Mr Matthew always said that you can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped but I don't think the rules apply when I'm talking about his daughter. I look at Maya and she is looking at Riley. Riley has never acted like this before at least I think. When we were together she would never act like this but suddenly things are different with her but she broke up with me so I don't think I had anything to do with her and her moodiness.

We get to the bowling alley and I see Farkle. Thank god that he's here I don't think I can take another second of Lucas and Maya flirting with each other. I run up to Farkle and hug him.

"It's Lucas and Maya again right?" I say to Riley she says back "How did you know?" While she looks over at them holding hands. I look at Riley and I feel bad for her because she deserves better. She deserves better friends. How can they do that in front of her without thinking about Riley's feelings? I want what they have except more. I want what they have but with strings attached. I want that with Riley.

I look over at Riley and Farkle and they are looking at me and Maya. I wonder what they are talking about. I look at Maya and she is flirting with the cashier. The cashier hands Maya the receipt it says "call me." with a smiley face and his number underneath it. I look at the cashier and i wrap my arm around Mayas should and say "She's good" i rip the receipt in half and i throw it away. I drag Maya by her hand away from him. She looks at me and says "Why did you do that? He was hot. God why do you always have to be a cock blocker?" I stop and i pull Maya closer to me by her waist and i say "I should be the only guy in your life right now." She looks into my eyes and she bites her lip while lightly laughing. She says softly "You're so in love with me." "What?! No I'm not... Yes I am." She smiles and says "I love you too. You're my best friend its like impossible not to love you." I look around to check that no one is looking at us and i give her a peck on the lips. She smiles and says "come on lover boy." While walking toward Riley and farkle.

I look at Lucas and he is looking at Farkle and Riley. They are so cute together I don't understand why they just won't go out with each other already. I say to Lucas "Do you think that there is something going on between Riley and Farkle?" He looks at me smiles and then says "Of course there is something going on between them they are always together." I look at him confused and say "we're always together but that doesn't mean we're together." He smiles at me and says "I know you want me Maya stop trying to hide it.""Get over yourself Lucas you're not all that. If I wanted you so bad you'd already be mine. I know you're head over heels for me." Lucas just rolls his eyes. I look at Riley and Farkle and they totally look like a couple.

We start playing and Lucas looks at Maya while she turns around pouting. Maya sits in his lap and says "I suck at bowling." "I know that's why I'm winning." Lucas says in response. Maya just glares at him and he does the same. I start to talk to Farkle noticing their faces getting closer to each other. I look at Farkle and he looks at me. I know he can tell that I'm uncomfortable. Me and Farkle leave and I don't even think Lucas and Maya noticed us.

It gets really quiet and I stop my stare down with Maya and look around and see that Farkle and Riley left but I'm not surprised because this happens all the time. Me and Maya practically get used to them leaving us wherever we go somewhere. I look at Maya and I can tell that she's upset. "She's always saying how she wants to hangout again like old times but then she always leaves with Farkle." She lays her head on my shoulder with her hair covering her face. I lay my head on top of her and I try to comfort her while saying "well maybe she meant the two of you." She shakes her head no "nope she said all four of us. There is no point in trying to make me feel better because that's not your job. This has to do with me and Riley I don't want to pull you into this kerfuffle." I laugh while saying "kerfuffle really Maya?" She face palm her self and also starts laughing. I stand up and I extend my hand out to help Maya up. She takes it. We walk out of the bowling alley and Maya jumps on my back. She always does this when she doesn't feel like walking. We don't bother going back to Riley's because she clearly doesn't want to see us. We go to my house instead.

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