An Angel

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On a spring morning In a crowd of peers talking loudly of topics like classes and celebrities, was an angel whose eyes laid upon not a demon but the closest thing to one, a boy. His forest green jacket somehow motivated her to approach him and start a conversation that will possibly open a book to the first chapter. Not just his jacket attracted him to her. His brown hair with slight curls giving some volume and eyes brown like the earth expressing a sort of warmth and comfort. He held himself with confidence and respect, not slouching at all. The angel noticed such perfect hygiene the boy kept, clean nails and teeth. He took care of himself, she appreciated that.
She fell under his spell and suddenly the voices around her were quiet muffles and time became meaningless with everything moving so slow. She had all the time in the world to observe every detail the boy gave off.
Just in time an urge to sneeze came to her. The angel covered her mouth and sneezed saving her from completing the spell of falling for him or rather creating a time of lust... infatuation.
Angels are forbidden to lust over a mortal boy, and if they do, their powers of self esteem grow weak and they become vulnerable to more boys just to recollect their lost confidence.
Yet there has never been an angel to not lust over a boy and the story wasn't going to change for her either because she is no different.
Her angelic eyes closed for a moment as she took a deep breath and once she opened them she took a step forward, then two and so on in the direction of the most destructive heart breaker.
The boy turned to the angel and his face softened and formed a smile that glowed like the golden sun.
"Hello there"
She hesitated before continuing, "I can't help but feel an urge to know you completely"
His eyes once brown changed to a deep green color with a hint of the same earthy brown, "You remind me of a flower blossoming"
He meant his words. To him, she looked like a goddess of innocence and purity. He knew her and had seen her before but never acknowledged her. Possibly because she was closed up, she didn't glow like she did in this very moment. She was rather dull before but now, now she opened up like a flower. The air around her was alive and filled with happiness, joy, meaning. She just didn't know that.
The angel glanced down and then up to meet his eyes.
"I don't know what to say"
But of course a kiss meant a thousand words. Their lips met and a rush of everything ran through their bodies. Ideas, conversations, feelings, moods were all in their minds at once. When they let go.. the first chapter finished.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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