Chapter 2

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Shit I am really procrastinating on writing this and I wanna get almost 1,000 words
That's my dream for this book

Authors P.o.v
The team made their way towards the planet. The team all marvel at the beautiful planet they were witnessing, the picture that Allura showed them wasn't as close as stunning as the real thing, and when they got closer they were amazed on how the Crystal clear waters compared to the sandy white beaches and the lush forests that held the exotic plants and animal that
they lived in it.

(I almost typed "exotic butters")

They all caught a glimpse at some of the wild life peering out of the forest and their homes to see what was flying past their home. Allura shouted through their headphones, "Alright team we are almost to the main towns center when we arrive just follow my lead."
As the team made it to the city center they all landed next to each other waiting for orders from Allura before they met the town folk.As the castle landed Allura have them the green light to leave the loins.
"Ok team remember, this is quite important, the rulers are quite protective of their people like I said before,..... most of the people here have been rescued from prisons and other horrible things so don't be surprised when some aren't as happy as others to have us."Allura said into the headsets before the exited the lions.

*time skip*

The team were praised and cherished for their visit and how they have protected the universe from the galra empire. The towns children gave them hand made necklaces and trinkets that they made from clay and beads.

Someone's POV
I don't trust them,.....
I don't like the looks on their "happy" faces after what I have seen in this universe no one can be this kind.That was the main reason I was saved,.... WHY ALL OF US WERE SAVED.
"What's wrong" One of my closest friends question my sour expression
"What do you mean"I ask with a fake smile
"Pfffffft don't act like I can't see you sending glares at Voltron,...... especially the humans"
She whispered the last part
"Ugh I hate that you know me so well"
We both chuckled at my last sentence and she goes back to what she was doing but I can't explain this odd feeling with one of the paladins I can't shake this feeling that someone has told me about him,....
But I still can't trust them fully,..
Trust is what got me kidnapped in the first place before I learned how to protect myself, now I train myself to be in the guard to protect the citizens in are beautiful town, especially the children whom can get in the same predicament that I was in around that age,............

I wouldn't want any child here to go through what I did at such a young age.
That's why I keep my weapons on me 24/7 so I'm always prepared.

HOLY MOLY THIS CHAPTER TOOK MY WAY LONGER THAN EXPECTED,.... OOF anyway this is the next chapter and I gave all you guys a new character ;3
505 words

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