Chapter 3

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Unknown POV
(Its the same person don't worry)
Ugh how long will Voltron stay it's almost noon and they are still here! Ughhhhh Charlie told me not to worry but I still am.
(Charlie is the best friends name just in case :3)
How can I not worry just a little we have been taught that we must always be on are guard in the training arena. After almost three years of my practice and training I am finally part of the royal guard I was the best in my class. I left with the best scores than anybody in that team. I LEAD A TEAM FOR FUCKS SAKE,... but no
The second I raise my guard they tell me,
"Chill out man"
"Wow take it a down a bit"
No I won't knowing they will be meeting the king and queen AND having a feast with the town folk.
Not a fat chance that I'm letting my guard down,

Authors POV
As the team was escorted away from the town folk they were offered a tour of the small "city" if you could call it; and with all the beautiful sights how could they not take a opening like that to get a one on one tour like that!
With that said the team took off following the tour guide given to them so they won't get lost or be put in any harm.

Charlie's POV
(Eyyyyy a new POV didn't see that now did ya)
Ohhhhh boy I was given the task of touring Voltron around our beautiful town.
What a honor this will be, well I mean,.... who in their life can say they gave a tour to Voltron
THE Voltron
As I made my way towards the town center were I was told they would be waiting for me as I made sure my archer suit was in tip top shape. As I was assigned and archer.

(Imagine the suit like the one above☝️) As I made my way towards Voltron something caught in the cornering my eye surprised me

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(Imagine the suit like the one above☝️)
As I made my way towards Voltron something caught in the cornering my eye surprised me. I saw Luna walking towards me and she looked happy!
"What's wrong?"
"What do you mean Charlie?"
"You've been sulking ever since voltron landed in town
And now you look like nothing has gone wrong"
"Ohhhhh nothing"
"Ok,..... sure ....... just remember I'm your best friend BUT if you kill someone I'm not helping you"
"Ok well bye"
She left with a cheeky grin on her face towards the training center
That was weird,
But oh well what ya gonna do!
Almost nothing can ruin this for me

Luna's POV
Charlie was right about the drastic mood change but how could I NOT be happy when I was given the news. I am going to be with the King and Queen at the feast
Which means I can be near voltron ALLLLLL NIGHT. Ohhhh they are never getting out my my sights
Awwwww life is good
As I made my way towards the training grounds watching out for the cracks in the dirt path, I see one of my team mates chilling at the entrance, the one person who feels the same way towards Voltron milo. He's are assassin that was assigned to the team. He is very sweet young man, which is weird counting the fact that he  IS A LITERAL ASSASSIN; he was assigned to me around a year ago and I have no complaints.
None so far that is.

** unholy wheeeze**
About 600 word
Hope you all had a better Valentine's Day than I had
Most likely

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