Loathing Love by Levina101

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Loathing Love by Levina101

Loathing Love isn't any old love story; you do not meet the guy straight away and to fall in love it takes time. The story focuses on setting the scene before any character falls in love.

When you start reading this story, it's like every other story, it sets the scene and introduces the characters, the thing I didn't expect was to laugh, especially in the first chapter.

The author mixes love, humour and great story writing to make this a really enjoyable read. The main character and her new closest friends are what would be judged as crazy and hyper.

Each character has its moment to let their personality shine and show their inner insanity. You can't help but laugh at these over excited characters.

Its suppose to be about love, and will be, but before the love has any chance to start, the humour is the main thing, it fills the story with entertainment.

When reading this, you expect the main character to see the guy she's destined to fall in love with but there is no sign of him. She's new, so why should she see her dream guy so soon? That's an amazing fact about this story. It has the correct pace a story should take.

The story centers around Melissa, a normal but crazy girl. She's not overly pretty, overly talented or without personality. I would say she's a real character, someone you could actually meet in real life. As I said she's crazy, and hyper like most of the characters. Her friends Luke and Jaslyn are the other crazy characters. Them three are the centre of trouble and humor.

This story has so much potential, which I think the writer will achieve, there's so much the story can do and will do but at the moment, its focuses on the beginning and trying to make the reader laugh.

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