The Ticket

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Trigger Warning

In this book the reader will endure abuse from Nathaniel Wickes (the readers adoptive father).

Today is yet another normal day. least it's normal for me. I'm (Y/N)(L/N). A 17 year old girl that was stuck in an orphanage until I was 8. Though I now wish that I was still there. I was adopted by a rich English businessman on January 15th.I  live with him in his household in London. I sometimes wonder why he adopted me. Lets just say he's not very fatherly. It all started the day after he adopted me.


I was walking around my new fathers household exploring. I then heard a grumbling and noticed that it was my stomach. I then went in search for the famous man Nathaniel Wickes. After awhile I finally found him. As I was walking down a long hall I heard his and another mans voice. I opened the door that held his voice behind it. Both heads snapped towards my direction.

"(Y/N) what are you doing here!!!"

"I'm sorry...I was hungry." 

"Go easy on her Nathaniel she's only a little girl."

"Of course...Isaac can you wait here please so I can show (Y/N) to the kitchen.(Y/N) please follow me. "

And with that we left the room.But we didn't go to the kitchen we went to my room.

"Why are we here"

He didn't say anything he just slapped me. I fell to the floor in surprise. As I was on the floor he kicked me in the ribs multiple times. It was getting so hard to breath.I finally slipped out of consciousness.

*end of flashback*

There was a knock at my door. I was laying on my bed cringing from the pain in my torso. I knew who was at my door it was him.

"Come in"

I knew that if I didn't answer to his knock he would get furious.

The door opened and in walked Nathaniel Wickes in a new freshly tailored suit.

"(Y/N) news has come out today saying that Mr.Wonka is opening his factory on February 1st so he can give five lucky children a tour of his factory. How the five are decided is by a golden ticket that has been put into five of his chocolate bars. I want you to get one of those ticket or your life will become much,much worse."

"Yes sir."

And with that he left.Looks like I should go to the nearest candy store and stock up on chocolate.

As I walked down the busy streets of London I come across a familiar candy shop. I open the doors and Mr.Smith the owner looks up.

"Hello Mr.Smith."

"Why hello there (Y/N) I haven't seen you in awhile."

"Sorry about that...I'll take three original Wonka bars."

"I see you've heard about the golden tickets."

"Yeah...Nathaniel wants me to get one."

"And if you do get one of those tickets you get to go to his factory on your birthday."(sorry if your birthday is not on February 1st )

"Nathaniel did say something about his factory opening on the first."

"Well anyways that'll be £3"(If you don't know that symbol is the pound symbol)

I then handed him the money as he handed my the three bars of chocolate.

"Bye Mr.Smith"

And with that I left.

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