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When Veruca made the comment about putting Violet in the county fair everyone held back their laughs. As they did with Augustus the Oompa-Loompas stopped the work that they were doing and gathered around Violet. Once again Willy was swaying in a playfull manner to the beat of the Oompa-Loompas song. This time the Oompa-Loompas got on top of Violet and started moving her around while they were singing. As the Oompa-Loompas continued to roll Violet around Mrs. Beauregarde continued to panic. An Oompa-Loompa then came up to Willy. He then bended down and gave the Oompa-Loompa directions.

"I want you to roll Miss Beauregarde into the boat and take her along to the Juicing Room at once, okay? "

"Juicing Room? What are they gonna do to her there? "

"They're gonna squeeze her.Like a little pimple. We gotta squeeze all that juice out of her immediately. "

"Mother, help me."

And with that Mrs.Beauregarde followed the Oompa-Loompas that were rolling her daughter out of the inventing room

"Without the boat, we'll have to move double-time to keep on schedule. There's far too much to see. "



"Why did you decide to let people in?"

"So they could see the factory, of course. "

"But why now? And why only five?What's the special prize, and who gets it?"

"The best kind of prize is a surprise."

"Will Violet always be a blueberry? "

"No. Maybe. I don't know. That's what you get from chewing gum all day. It's disgusting. "

"If you hate gum so much, why do you make it? "

"Once again, you shouldn't mumble. It's starting to bum me out."

"Maybe he makes the gum because of popular demand?"

I then looked up at Willy to see if I was correct or not. He didn't show any sign of me being correct or not he just stared into my eyes.

"Can you remember the first candy you ever ate? "


Everyone then started to walk slightly ahead of Willy as he was zoning out.

"Your lying."

"Hm?I'm not lying (Y/N)."

"Yes you are...you zoned out as if you were remembering something.And by the look on your fCE I'm taking it's not a good memory."

Mr.Salt then moved by Willy as we entered a white and blue room.

"This dear children and (Y/N) is the nut room."

"This is a room I know all about. For you see, Mr.Wonka, l, myself, am in the nut business. Are you using the Havermax 4000 to do your sorting? "



"Yeah. Squirrels. These squirrels are specially trained to get the nuts out of shells."

"Why use squirrels? Why not use Oompa-Loompas? "

"Because only squirrels can get the whole walnut out almost every single time. See how they tap them with their knuckles to make sure it's not bad?"

I then noticed that a squirrel was repeatedly hitting the shell of the nut.The squirrel then put the nut up to its ear and hit it once again.

"Oh, look. Look.I think that one's got a bad nut."

"Daddy, I want a squirrel. Get me one of those squirrels. I want one."

I then muttered under my breath.

"I want to be able to not hear your annoying voice sometimes."

I then heard a choking noise followed by multiple coughs on the side of me. I then looked over and saw Willy looking at me. I guess he heard me. He then mouthed to me.

'I could have died from choking because of you.'

I then sent an innocent smile in his direction and he responded with a playfull eyeroll.

"Veruca, dear, you have many marvelous pets."

"All I've got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six bunny rabbits and two parakeets and three canaries and a green parrot and a turtle and a silly old hamster. I want a squirrel!"

Willy looked as though he was tired of hearing Veruca's ranting.

"Daddy will get you a squirrel as soon as he possibly can."

"But I don't want any old squirrel, I want a trained squirrel. "

"Very well."

"Mr.Wonka, how much do you want for one of these squirrels?Name your price."

"Oh, they're not for sale. She can't have one. "


"I'm sorry, darling. Mr.Wonka's being unreasonable."

"He's not being unreasonable your daughter is."

Everyone ignored me...well I guess its better then getting glared at.

"If you won't get me a squirrel, I'll get one myself."


"Little girl? "

Veruca then climbed under the gate and started walking down the stairs that led to the squirrels.

"Veruca, come back here at once."

"Little girl? Don't touch that squirrel's nuts. It'll make him crazy."

She then looked at a squirrel that seemed to interest her and strated walking towards it.

"I'll have you."

My Saviour (Willy Wonka x reader) Where stories live. Discover now