TV Room

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As Willy came back to earth he remembered that we were in the glass elevator.

"Go on then,pick a room."

Mike immediately picked a room that had the label TV room above it. Nathaniel then moved to the side and started talking to Mike's father. Willy then bent down to my level and put his mouth near my ear.

"Are you okay love?"

As I was about to answer the elevator stopped and I was dragged out of the elevator.As I was being dragged into the white room I looked behind me and nodded my head telling Willy that I was physically okay.

Willy then pulled out pairs of white glasses that had tinted glass.


He then put his pair on and motioned for me to put on my own.

"Put these on quick, and don't take them off whatever you do. This light could burn your eyeballs right out of your skulls. And we certainly don't want that, now, do we? This is the testing room for my very latest and greatest invention: Television Chocolate. One day it occurred to me: "Hey, if television can break up a photograph into millions and millions of tiny pieces and send it whizzing through the air then reassemble it on the other end why can't I do the same with chocolate? Why can't I send a real bar of chocolate through the television, ready to be eaten? "

"That's impossible."

"Oh,but it is."

Willy then grabbed a chocolate bar and put it on a platform in the middle of the room. He pulled a lever which made then room light up with a flash coming from the platform. Willy then guided us over to the TV as he was flipping through channels a chocolate bar showed up.

"How is that possible."

Willy then looked over at me.

"Reach into the TV and pull out the chocolate (Y/N)."

I put my arm through the screen. A tingling sensation went up my arm. I grabbed the chocolate bar and pulled my arm out of the TV.I handed the chocolate to Willy and shook my arm once he grabbed the chocolate from me. A confused look crossed his face and I realized that he was probably confused and was wondering why I shook my arm.

"After pulling my arm out the tingling from the static made my arm fall asleep."

Mike then started throwing questions at Willy. Then Mike started to get aggravated that Willy didn't want to let his chocolate transportation device get out to the rest of the world. In his fury Mike started to run around the room then hopped onto the platform that the chocolate was on. He then pulled the lever as Willy started to ask him to not touch anything and get off the platform. Mike then started to float. As he started to move he vanished. Mike's father started to freak once he realized that his son dissipated. He then turned towards Willy.

"Where is my son."

Willy sighed then turned towards the telly. He once again started flipping through the channels. He came across one and Mike was standing on the desk that was featured on the channel. He then turned towards Mike's father.

"Well...are you going to get him out."

Mike's father looked as though he was scarred to reach into the TV. He finally gained the courage to do so and reached through the glass and achieved his son. I then look at Willy.

"Why does no one listen to you"

"I don't know my dear."

After he said that Nathaniel, Willy and myself turned back towards the elevator.

"How many are left."

Nathaniel started to look around.

"(Y/N)'s the only one left."

Nathaniel the grew a wide smile on his face as he repeated those words to himself in his head.

"So Mr. Wonka...wheres the prize."

Willy then looked down at me.

"How old are you today (Y/N)."

"I'm 18."

A smile grew on his face he then looked over at Nathaniel. He then shouted to an Oompa-Loompa to come over. Once the Oompa-Loompa came over he slightly bowed towards Willy.

"Please take Mr. Wickes off my premises."


"No buts Mr. Wickes. (Y/N) is now counted as an adult and can make her own decisions. Goodbye Mr. Wickes."

Then the Oompa-Loompa dragged him outside.

Willy and I stepped onto the elevator and Willy pushed a button that wasn't there before. As the elevator took off I clung onto Willy's leg. He hugged me tightly and bent down to my level. His lips hovering over mine.Our eyes trapped in the others gaze. As Willy was slowly leaning forward so was I. Our lips connected in a sweet kiss. Passion was flooding out of both of our bodies and into the kiss that connected our bodies together. He pulled away. Our foreheads were leaning against each other.

"I love you (Y/N)."

I pecked his lips once again.

"I love you too."

He then pressed a button and the elevator shot up. I grabbed onto Willy's arm as the elevator was picking up speed.

"Willy were going to crash into the roof."

He just looked down at me then smiled. The roof was coming closer to the top of the elevator at a fast pace. I gripped onto Willy's arm for dear life. I then heard the shattering of something. I looked up to see that we crashed through the roof and we were still traveling high up into the sky. I calmed down and let up on the vice like grip that I had on Willy's arm. Willy then turned and looked at me.

"(Y/N)...since you are the last one that means that you get the prize"

Willy seemed hesitant to speak. I gave him a reassuring look to let him know that he could take his time to tell me.

"The prize was my chocolate (Y/N) will you take over my chocolate factory."

He looked down sad that it came to their goodbye so quickly. But his head shot up at my answer.


He gave me a saddened look.

"I won't run it without you."

He joker like smile came back to his face as he picked me up and started spinning me around in the small compartment. He put me down then pulled me into a passionate kiss.

~1 1/2 year time skip~

I was called to go to the Candy Room. As I was walking down the stairs I stopped to savor the smell of chocolate. I then continued to walk down the hall that kept getting small. I opened the door and waked through. The lights were dimmed and the candy around had a glowing effect. In the center was Willy with a bouquet of red roses. He walked towards my stunned body and grabbed my hand. We walked towards a tabled which held a dinner of multiple Italian cuisines. Before we sat down he handed me the bouquet and said

"I will love you till the last rose dies."

A saddened thought crossed my mind. 'Roses don't live forever.' But the smell of the food behind us made my mood jump.

~after dinner~

Before I could stand up Willy was in front of me extending a hand to me. I took it. I thought we were going to continue walking but Willy stopped right in front of one of the candies that were giving off a red glow. He got do on one knee and said those five words that will change my life forever.

"Will you marry me (Y/N)."

He showed me a black diamond ring that held my birthstone in the center.

"Yes!!!A million times yes!!"

As Willy put the ring on me we shared a passionate kiss. As I was walking up to our room with the bouquet in hand I realized that one of the roses were fake.

Meaning that it couldn't die

The End

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