May 25, 2014

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May 25,2014

Today is my best friend's birthday, so happy birthday to him!

 So this week I went to an aquarium with my cousins. It was great! I took a bunch of pictures. On the side is a collage of some good ones. There are no pictures of fish though. I hate taking pictures of them. They never stay still. Stupid fish!

Fun fact! Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over 1 million descendants.

I let my cousins tease my hair and now it's too tangly to brush. :/

I had a meeting with my summer youth group today. We are called the Junior Docents. Did I ever tell you guys that?

It wasn't that eventful. We did talk about having to finish a mattress we made. I personally thought we should just stuff it with my friend Jake, but everyone else says the mattress would be too lumpy. Plus it would start to smell after a while, so...

Recommended: "Artemis Fowl" by Eion Colfer. It's epic! It's about a 12-year-old criminal genius who discovered that fairies are real so he kidnaps one and hold it for ransom. But the fairies are super badass so they might be a little too much for him to handle. It's my favorite series of all time!

I am a major procrastinator. That's why I never post this on Saterday like I said I would. (It's also due to a lack of inspiration.)

As well as being a procrastinator, I never finish anything I start before I start something new. I currently have five different stories going which is hard enough to keep up with, so what do I do? I join a bunch of fan fiction challenges. I'm obviously trying to kill myself.

Speaking of dying. Is it just me, or did Jack really not have to die? That board Rose was on was huge and he only tried to climb on it once. Stupid fish!

Okay, I really didn't have a lot to say, sorry.

Dedicated to @GameFreak13. Brilliant idea about the poster in the binder. I should do that!

Have a good week! Love you!

-Aiden <(^-^)>

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