Short Sad Stories

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I sigh.

"What, what is it?" Gabe asks.

"Oh, huh, nothing!" I respond.

"No, tell me!" He begs.

"Why!?" I ask.

"Because we are friends!" He claims.

"NO FAIR! You can't use the friend card on me!!" I whine.

"Yes, I can, because you are the reason we are friends." He points out.

He is referring to the fact that I broke up with him. I sigh again, wondering why I was ever that stupid... I regret it every day, and cry over it at nights.

"Okay, I'll tell you. I love you." I confess.

"That's what you said last time... why should I believe you now?" Gabe says, he sounds bitter, but he can't love me, the one who took his heart and ripped it into little tiny pieces.

I get up and walk away, choking back tears that begin forming.

*Next day*

"Bay! Bay!" Someone screams.

"Gabe?" I call out, hoping desperately that he forgave me and is my friend again, because being a friend is better than nothing.

"No. Its me." The voice says.

"Who is me?" I ask.

A face pops up. It is a horrid face for a human being, a face not

even a mother could love.

"Your best... I mean worst nightmare!" It says before stabbing me in the chest. I drop to the floor and,




I wake up in a dark room.

"it was just a dream..." I whisper, but it hurt my throat.

"you're in I.C.U." someone informs me... this voice sounds familiar... it's Gabe!

"Gabe..." I whisper.

"I still won't love you... No matter what you do, I won't love you" he says.

I sigh, "then pull the plug." I whisper, my voice hoarse.

I close my eyes and await death, but then I realize that death has already come. When I try to open my eyes I can't, so this is death?!

A/N: Sorry to those of you who like happy endings!

If you actually read this bold part then comment the following word(s); Mount Blushington...

~Bailey! <3

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