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Dave laughs at Anne. She pull her arm against her side, and looks down.

"Cut it out..." She mutter shyly.

"Oh, So it speaks!" Dave exclaims, he looks towards his gang behind him. "Hey, guys it speaks!" Anne laughs nervously.

One guy in the back looks really guilty, he hates the way Dave treats Anne, but if he speaks up, he'll get bullied too! The only thing is that he really likes Anne...

The boys laugh, even the one in the back, but his laugh is different, it's forced and pained.

Anne sees the pain, because she's felt it before... but she says nothing to the boy, because she knows what will become of him, if she says something to him.

"Cut it out." Anne mumbles again.

"Or what?!" Dave asks, shoving her on the ground.

Anne's long skirt gets all dirty, and it rips a little at the hem.

The boys laugh at Anne's pained expression.

"What are you going to do?" Dave smirks at Anne's face, now covered in dirt.

They laugh, and walk away after Dave kicks Anne in the gut.

The one boy stays though, and the other boys don't notice his absence.

He helps Anne up.

Anne gets up, and turns away. She refuses to look at the bully.

"I'm not the bully!" The boy protests.

"Yes, you are." Anne pouts.

"No, Dave is." The boy protests.

"No, Tommy, you are too!" Anne whines softly.

"How is that so, Dave says and does all the mean things!"

"but you are a bystander, and you're not doing anything to help me either." Anne says, as she walks away.

"FORGIVE ME?" The boy yells, as Anne walks further away.

"NO! NEVER!" Anne calls back.

This made little Tommy very angry, so he swore that he would help Dave next time.

*Next day at recess*

The boys all corner Anne, even Tommy, but now instead of the pained expression that he worn, he wears an eager one... and he is ready.

"Stop it, Dave... this isn't funny." Anne backs up, scared.

Tommy and Dave both laugh.

Anne is now on her knees, with her back against the rock wall.

Dave kicks her in the gut, and invites Tommy to join him.

Anne is on her hands and knees now, with a bruise on her side.

Where Tommy would have declined the offer to hurt Anne, he now takes it eagerly.

Every time Tommy kicked Anne, Anne would wince in pain... but she never screamed.

Tommy 's kicks got harder and harder, until Anne was crying. Anne never cried, not even in 1st grade when Dave took all of her favorite books and threw them in the mud.

The other boys started screaming for Tommy to stop, because when Anne cries, it's really hurting her.

"You... should... forgave... me..." Tommy mutters as he continues kicking Anne.


This really hit Dave as odd... Anne never did anything to hurt him, he was just having some fun... He never really wanted to hurt Anne... 

Tommy keeps kicking Anne, until she is screaming.

"STOP, STOP!!!" The boys yell. "YOU ARE HURTING HER!"

Tommy finally stops kicking, and Dave helps Anne up.

Anne shoves him away, and holds her side, not aware that, that extra little support of Dave helping her to the nurse, could've saved her life...

Later that night, Anne passed away because of all the internal damage that her organs got.

A/N: hey, Don't bully... this is just a form of physical bullying... but verbal bullying can hurt just as bad, and it takes lives away too. This is a serious matter... it's not something to be messed with.

~Bailey! <3

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