Lemons and Pineapples

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Hinata Hajime P.O.V.

I'm Hinata Hajime, and I am facing a problem that precedes every other problem I have ever faced before. Why, you ask? Well today, is Valentine's Day. A day where people give delicious confections to the people they love. Unfortunately for me, I don't know what to give to my "special someone", which was the one and only, Komaeda Nagito.

I wanted to give him something home-made and special, but what?
That's when a sudden idea popped into my mind. Of course, Chocolates! Why haven't you thought of it earlier? Though, you don't know how to make chocolate at all. Where does it even come from?

I hurriedly dashed to the computer and searched how to make the perfect home-made personalized chocolates. I clicked on the first link that appeared, not wanting to make Komaeda wait.

Reading the site, I gathered and wrote down the information and quickly started to make magic in the kitchen. I don't want this day to end without giving Komaeda anything at all. So I really need to rush this and make it perfect.

I searched my refrigerator and to my despair, I found no such thing as chocolate here, only a bunch of lemons. OF COURSE, I can't make magic if I don't have the finest ingredients. It's time for me to run to the grocery then. (insertgottagofast)


Unfortunately, my location doesn't have a lot of groceries around, only one, which was Hope's Peak Grocery. I searched every aisle for the chocolate, and there it is. The Chocolate aisle, the most crowded aisle you'll ever see. Men and women were fighting over the finest chocolate available, while some of the people, just voted over who would win and take the chocolate. I managed to squeeze myself into the monstrous crowd and found the last finest chocolate you'll ever see in this grocery, but when I were already holding it, you saw some random piece of shit holding it also. I had no choice but to engage into fighting. It was for Komaeda's sake. I wanted to see Komaeda smile as he eats the chocolate, I have made for him. Nothing would be utterly better than that. I fought for the glory of the finest chocolate available and successfully won. Just imagining Komaeda eat my chocolate, gave me strength and hope. After that, I paid for the chocolate and ran towards my home to finally make the magic.

Kamukura Izuru's P.O.V.

Today, was like any other day. Boring. Everything was just plain, boring, dull, tedious, and uninteresting, until some idiot dropped by my house, spouting nonsense like today is Valentine's Day and today is about giving delightful confections to the people they find utmost dear to their heart. It sounded tedious to my ear, though. I don't find this so called "Valentine's day" any fascinating than the other days. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, now who would that be? Why are there so many people bothering you today. It's really annoying, but I have no choice but to answer that or they'll accuse me of being dead. How moronic. I climbed down the stairs and opened the door, revealing it to be Komaeda.

Komaeda waved at me and we exchanged greetings, he seemed to be holding something behind him. Hmph, it must be a box of chocolates. It is, Valentine's Day, so I'm not a bit surprised.

"Izuru, I-I- Here." His face was blushing slightly while handing the box of chocolates to me. I knew it.

"You didn't have to." I said, bluntly. I never was fond of it at all. Clearly, it was for people who wanted to have diabetes on their bodies.
He didn't mind my rejection and just shoved the box of chocolates to me, then ran off to a distance, blushing wildly. I could see him murmuring from afar, 'You did great Komaeda, You did great' over and over again.

I looked at the box of chocolates he gave me. It said: "For Izuru". Opening the box, It looked like the round chocolate truffles were especially hand-made. The design wasn't that bad to begin with. It would be a waste to throw this, knowing that, Nagito mustered a lot of courage and did his best for these. One piece wouldn't kill me, anyway. I took one and put it in my mouth. Tasting it if it was good or not.
Surprisingly, the chocolates weren't that sweet. It must be because it was dark chocolate. I actually liked it. I didn't even know I liked dark chocolate that lacked sugar and milk. I kept eating it until it was all gone. Indeed this was a big turn of events. I want to repay him, out of gratitude for the chocolates.

How do people even make these honorary confections? That I don't know. It was time for me to ask the most reliable source possible, the Internet.

Clicking several links, I finally found something worth reading. I read it thoroughly and memorized it in a blink-of-an-eye. It read: Go to Ecuador to get the Cacao, Go to the nearest farm fresh-milk possible and Harvest raw sugar from a sugar cane plantation. He was going to make the finest chocolate possible, constructed by the one and only Kamukura Izuru. He was a person, talented with everything. He was perfect at everything. He wanted to prove that, by being a chocolatier for a day. Originally this would bother him, but he wanted to repay Komaeda so much. And with that, he went to the several designated places where he'll get the finest ingredients and make the ultimate chocolate. Good thing he was rich enough to afford his own airplane and scavenge the ingredients himself. He was also talented at flying airplanes, so he could go wherever and whenever. So begins, Kamukura Izuru's endeavors of gathering the said ingredients in one day.

Komaeda Nagito's P.O.V.

After giving Izuru his chocolate, I ran at an alley, panting from running. I ran, because my nervous levels were rising up like heaven. "You did great, Komaeda. You did great." I mumbled repeatedly as I patted myself on the back. It was achievement that I indeed deserve. Next up, was Hinata. I don't really know what his favorite flavor is, but I'm guessing its lime. So I made his, lime-flavored. Hopefully, he'll like it. He was quite fond of the color green so. I'm just letting my imagination run wild, here. Like what I did with Izuru's confection. He seemed dark, so I made him dark chocolate.
Well, here I go! Off to Hinata's house, I go!
*Time Skip*
Here I am, in front of Hinata's house. I take a deep breath and knock at the door, calling him out. Suddenly, I heard some things dropping, it was really loud and it made me worry.

Hinata Hajime's P.O.V.

I was holding some hot pans when I suddenly heard someone knocking at the door. I wonder who that is.

"Hinata! It's me, Komaeda!" Upon hearing him, my hands suddenly stiffened and won't obey me. I accidentally dropped the hot pans and started to panic. I can't let him see that I'm making something for him! Not yet! I needed him away from my lair this instant! I died down the fire for now and went to the door and entertain Komaeda.

Opening the door, I saw Komaeda holding a box of chocolates. He saw me staring at the box of chocolates right off the bat and then suddenly handing it over to me with a smile. I slightly blushed when he showed his genuine smile at me. I took the box and thanked him. It was a sweet gesture of him, to give you something like this. It meant that I had a special place in his heart. I didn't know, but I was actually smiling at the box. The box emitted a warm feeling of love.

"I'll be going now, Hinata. Oh, and Happy Valentine's day!" He gave me one last smile before quickly walking away. He looked like he was in a hurry for something.

"Wait- Komaeda!" I called out to him.

"Hmm?" He turned around.

"Go to the park, at 8:30 pm. I have something to give to you." Komaeda gave a quick nod and went on his way.

"He better be there." I mumbled to myself, as I returned to the kitchen.

Komaeda Nagito's P.O.V.

I suddenly remembered I had to water my plants at home and feed Hope, the dog. I said my farewell to Hinata when he suddenly calls me out.
"Go to the park, at 8:30 pm. I have something to give to you." I really need to hurry, Hope might bite my hand again. I gave him a quick nod and I dashed to my household. My domain was fairly gigantic, for my parents left it for me. They also left me a large fortune, but money can't buy happiness. Money can't reverse time and save my parents.

*Time SKIP*

There stood my mansion, as big as ever. Next to my mountain, there stood the Togami Mountain. It was flashy with lights and all, while mine was really lonely and gloomy. What gave me hope was Kamukura Izuru and Hinata Hajime. When my life was vivid and cloudy, they gave me light and hope. I really love them, that's why I even gave them chocolates. It was because they were both dear to me.

I proceeded into the mansion to go to my vast garden, where Hope plays all day. Nearing my approach to the garden, my phone suddenly vibrated. Izuru was calling? I answered immediately, since it was odd for Izuru to call me.

"He-Hello?? Izuru??"

"Komaeda, Proceed to the park, at 8:30 pm on the spot. I have something for you."
"Eh, Izuru are you on a plane-" He cut me off.

Kamukura Izuru's P.O.V.

I flew throughout the world searching for the finest ingredients. It didn't take long because I took a jet, also the destinations were easy to get to. I already memorized the whole map, so I had no worries. My brain itself was the GPS.

Though getting to the ingredients through feet wasn't that easy. I found my hair tangled in all sorts of branches and sugar canes. My hair was being chewed my farm animals. Getting the ingredients consumed 8 hours of my time, which mostly wasn't pleasant. After going through several countries, trekking through several heaps of mountains, I returned to my lair.

It was already 7 pm; the sky was already dying into raven black. I won't let this day end just yet. I called Nagito, telling him to go to the park at 8:30 pm. I begun mixing and whatever the Internet told me to.

Hinata Hajime P.O.V.

After 8 hours of making the perfect chocolate, I finally did it, Lemon Chocolates, molded into the shape of Komaeda's flowers, then added several toppings to make it more appealing.I don't have anything else in my fridge other than lemons. Komaeda likes lemons, right? Since they're sour and all, he likes sour things, I think. Its 7 pm, the only thing I need to do is to wrap the chocolates neatly and presentably.

Speaking about being presentable, I, myself didn't even look presentable at all. I was wearing a pink apron with a red heart at the center; though, unfortunately, they were tainted with brown chocolate delights. I always loved this apron. It must be because Komaeda gave it to me on my 17th birthday, a few years back.
I wrapped the chocolates and went to the shower.

Kamukura Izuru P.O.V.

After 30 minutes of constructing the finest chocolate ever made by the hands of man, I finally finished it, Pineapple Chocolate, I made the chocolate depict as a star. In the Ecuador they were selling pineapples, 80% off. I just had to buy them, they were really cheap, and so I bought it all. Pineapples are really sour, and I know Komaeda likes sour things. The chocolates had no other design, though. I didn't bother. The taste matters the most.

I put the chocolates into a fine box and went to bathe. I could smell myself, reeking of dead cows and the smell of utter wilderness.

Komaeda Nagito P.O.V.

I was watering the plants for awhile and fed Hope. The sun was now falling and darkness was overlapping with the dying light rays of the fading sun. I wonder what time it is. I went inside with Hope and several butlers at my side, to look at the time. I had a very big piece of clock work in my mansion. With it, it was easier for me to tell time.
It showed " 8:10 pm"

Now would be the time to ready myself to what those two were going to give to me. I want to be as presentable as possible. I headed over to my grand room and entered my enormous closet filled with different grand clothes.

-------------------TIME SKIP TO 8:30---------------------

They all changed into their usual clothing and went to the park. Komaeda felt a little nervous, knowing that Hinata and Izuru was giving him something. Hinata, other than also giving him chocolates, he was planning to confess to Komaeda about his true feelings about him. While Izuru was ready to see how amazed Komaeda will be when he tastes his masterpiece. As soon as they reached the park, Hinata and Izuru's widen. Wondering why on earth, was he here?

Komaeda Nagito P.O.V.

Hinata and Izuru's eyes glared daggers at each other, they don't look very pleased to see each other. But I was. I silently watched as they were having a show down with each other. Helping myself in their usual reactions when seeing each other.

Hinata Hajime P.O.V.

"What are you doing here, Izuru?" I scowled, still glaring holes at Izuru.

"I should be the one asking you that. State your business with Nagito." He nonchalantly asked as he flipped his long darkish-gray hair to the side. How I hate it when he does that.

"I'm going to give Komaeda, something, alright? Nothing more." Nothing more, huh, Hinata? I'm going to hate myself, because of this damned situation. I hid the box of chocolates behind me, trying to conceal what I was going to give.

"What a coincidence, then. I was also, going to give Nagito, something." Izuru pulled out a box of chocolates and shoved it to Komaeda's arms, causing Komaeda to recoil while blushing.

After shoving the box of chocolates to Komaeda, he walked off as if nothing ever happened. Komaeda shouted at Izuru, thanking him for the chocolates looking very happy at what Izuru gave to him, then turned his attention to me. Komaeda was smiling at me, looking expectant. He already knew what I was going to give him. I sighed and pulled out the box of chocolates holding it out unto him.

"H-Hey, Komaeda. Thanks for the chocolates, earlier." I was already a blushing mess, when I was handing it over. He gently took it and pecked my cheek, smiling gleefully.

"Al-Also you have a special place into my heart. I-I love you." I looked straight into his eyes, assuring him I wasn't lying or just plain kidding. I mustered enough courage to finally confess to him. I love him, and I always will. I gently placed my lips to him, enveloping to a deep and passionate kiss. Unfortunately, there's this thing called oxygen needed for the body. We separated, leaving a string of saliva between us.

Komaeda leaned in and whispered to my ear, "I love you too, Hinata."

We both hugged each other as the darkness covered the sky completely, making the celestial stars above us, visible.

**Extended Ending**

Komaeda tasted Hinata's Lemon Chocolate, and wow. Komaeda did like sour things, he also loved and appreciated the design that Hinata worked so hard on, and He couldn't have seen any better design or pattern. The taste was what Hinata felt for Komaeda. It fitted Hinata's love for him, so perfectly.

Next, Komaeda tasted Izuru's Pineapple Chocolate. He didn't bother about how simple and plain the design is, his eyes widened with the taste. It was so exotic, fruity and It felt like he was in the country of Ecuador, itself. The taste was so incredible! A revolutionary taste! This was certainly the best tasting chocolate that had ever landed on his mouth.

This was the happiest day of Komaeda's life.

Izuru, on the other hand, watched Komaeda eat his confection from a distance or, per se, in a tree up a branch, holding binoculars. He was so satisfied when he saw Komaeda's shocked and delighted reaction. The shit he had gone through was all worth it.

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