Chapter One - Intro

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You blinked open your eyes, the darkness around you normal as you yawned a small and quite frankly, adorable yawn as you sat up. You pulled your hoodie tighter, the square mineshaft of three blocks high good protection, but as cold as ever.

You stood up and stretched, counting the five blocks it took you to get to your mirror, and you let your hood fall away from your face, revealing your small face and your purple eyes in the reflection. Your eyes scared you, and you looked down quickly, grabbing your brush and combing your semi long and pixie-like hair.

You never wanted to be like all the other minecraft endermen, they all attacked the humans and killed them, torturing them when they where bored. But you wanted to live freely and maybe make some friends with the humans, as long as they didn't look at you with their scary eyes.

Eyes scared you. It was in the enderman nature to hate and despise eyes, but you were different. Eyes just scared you into a corner, even your own kind's eyes as they looked at you from the mirror. You placed down your brush back on the single grey block.

All the humans were round like you, and they weren't blocks. They saw you as a tall evil and cubed black mass, yet you were round like them, but with pale skin and eyes like theirs. The world was made of blocks and pixels, but at least you and the humans had more than just the endless simple squares.

You yawned another adorable yawn before teleporting to the surface, the sun's light disappearing in front of you. You glanced around to find one block you wanted- and you didn't want a stupid dirt block, or wood block like you already had. You wanted something new.

Maybe you would find diamond one day. But for now, you sighed in the beautiful night air, the summer's warmth seeping into your cold body, the crickets chirping and the grass wiggling in the nonexistent wind.

A piercing scream broke that silence, and you whipped around, eyes widening.

Endy and Slendy (Minecraft and CreepyPasta)Where stories live. Discover now