Chapter 20

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"We got everything set up over there, Ethan?" Mark called.

"Yep! Camera's ready and we've got the mics up too!" He replied.

"Same here!" Jack called from the other camera spot.

"Then we're all ready to start the stream!" Mark said.

"We're starting in five minutes." Ethan said.

"Well, everyone just go and get what you need ready!" Mark said. You smiled. Jack came over to you. He wasn't wearing anything Christmas like, but you were! You were wearing a cute shirt.

 He wasn't wearing anything Christmas like, but you were! You were wearing a cute shirt

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Jack was wearing his 'Booper Dooper' shirt. You loved that shirt. Soon enough it was time to start the stream. Mark welcomed the few people that joined right away. He asked you all to say hello.

"Hey, guys!" Tyler said.

"Hello!" Jack greeted.

"What up people?" You said.

"Hi, everyone!" Ethan said.

"Sup!" Amy said.

"Thanks for joining us right away guys!" Mark said. "Right now we're probably just going to chat a bit and then we'll get to a few games later! We'll save the big stuff for later." Mark said.

"Now begs the question! What do we talk about?" You joked. The others chuckled.

"Well, how about we start with recent events?" Mark said.

"Well, the biggest thing that happened between the three of us at least was the Anti, Dark, and (alter ego) get together." Jack said.

"Yeah, that was one of the biggest things. That was a lot of fun to do and it's great that (alter ego) could join the group!" Mark said.

"I felt like you guys needed a girl to add something to the fun!" You said. You laughed together at your jokes. You all kept chatting until soon it was time to play some games. You all were going to play a few rounds of Pictionary, which you were very good at since you were a great artist. You were used to simple doodles. You did them all the time. Everyone had teams. Ethan and Tyler were together, Mark and Amy were together, and then you and Jack were together.

Jack was up first along with Tyler and Mark. You all had a pile of flashcards with stuff to draw on them. Mark picked up the first one and showed it to Jack and Tyler. They all got ready and Mark said,

"Go!" You watched as Jack quickly began to draw. You could soon make out a four-legged stick figure with two ears. Amy shouted dog, but that wasn't it. Jack started drawing what looked like hair on its neck.

"Horse!" You shouted. 

"Yeah!" Jack said. You smiled victoriously and then switched places. They erased their boards and then Amy showed what you had to draw. 'Tattoo' is what the card said. You had the perfect idea. You all went to your boards and Mark said go again. You drew two parallel lines and then quickly doodled Jack's tattoo. He got it instantly.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now