The Boys are Back in Town: Four

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Alek parked my bike in the driveway and took my hand, grinning. "You won't believe what Andre did during our last week in school."

Before he could say more, a war cry came from inside the house and a moment later, Andre came barreling out of the house. I laughed in surprise as he grabbed me in a bear hug and lifted me up. "Clair Cupcake, look at you!"

"Put me down so I can give you a proper hug!"

Andre was grinning broadly, looking exultant. "You're fine right here."

"Put her down, Road Runner, that's my sister," a teasing voice said.

I turned and saw Adrian coming down the stairs. I squealed and held my arms out for him. "Musket!"

"Hey beautiful, look how tall you are!" He joked, pulling me in for a hug. I laughed and slapped his shoulder. I grew about two inches in two years.

"That's rich coming from you, you giant," I said, raising my arm to check our height difference. "Does your size tip the boat or do you get to row your own during competitions?"

Adrian's laughter was as big as he was. "Maybe you should join a sport, Cupcake, see if the growth spurt gods will bless you then."

"Reading is my sport," I said.

"Alek you spoilsport, we had a plan!" Andre exclaimed. "Clair was supposed to get flowers-"

"Because we never have those at home," I chuckled. "Were you planning to buy them from my mother?"

"-and cake-"

"I was actually going to hit the bakery before Alek stopped me on the street."

"You almost ran me over with your bike," he said helpfully.

"-and a basket of banana nut muffins!" Andre finished.

"You met her on the street?" Adrian asked. "I thought you broke into her house and woke her up."

"Pajamas are very in, right now," I said, trying to explain my lack of dress.

Andre dropped a heavy arm on my shoulder with a sad sigh. "Two years later and the three of you still talk over me."

"Aw," I tousled his hair with a grin. "Wait, Alek was telling me you did something your last week of school. What exactly did you do?"

He pulled back, and his smile made a reappearance. He turned around and pushed the hair at the nape of his neck away. "Check it out."

I gasped, tracing the tattoo on his neck of three rapiers crossed over a cupcake. "Andre! It looks amazing. Did it hurt?"

"Nah," he winked. "But we were at a pub before I got this, and I was kind of smashed."

"Does Abby know?" I asked, wincing at the thought of their mother's reaction.

Adrian snorted. "He called her from the parlor telling her he was about to get a cupcake tattooed on his neck. She was furious."

"I warned him," Alek said with a shrug.

"I was celebrating," Andre said defensively.

"What were you celebrating?"

He looked at me with a little furrow between his brows, as if the answer should've been obvious. "Cupcake, we were out celebrating the fact that we were coming home."

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