First Aid Class

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All the ocs ( Stormy and Nova belongs to SN_supernova )

( Transformers in their holoforms )

Ruby: * places a armless and legless dummy on the ground * Ok! Everyone! We are going to learn how to do cpr. Breakdown come on up and demonstrate for us.

Stormy: I volunteer to take the dummy's place!

Breakdown: ;)

Ruby: uh Breakdown, this man can't breath, save him.

Tye: * raises hand * If the man has no arms or legs do we even bother saving him?

Region: one that is missing all important limbs is utterly useless, seeing all they can do is lie around.

West: hey Jason, thet sounds like you.

Jason: ha ha.....

Ruby: * is losing patience * Yes he's worth saving, now everyone watch, when Breakdown pushes on the man's.chest, he will do so to the beat of the song staying alive.

Breakdown: ok.....* starts to.sing and pushes on the dummy's chest* Well, you can tell by the way I walk, I'm a-

Ruby: * pinches the bridge of her nose * the chorus Breakdown, the chorus...

Breakdown: oh...

Jason: pppppfffffttttt

Breakdown: * pushes on the dummy's chest in beat to staying alive * ah ah ah ah, staying alive, staying alllliivveee!

Star: * jumps up and starts singing *

Alic: *sings * Whether your a brother or whether your a mother, a staying alive, staying alive!

Breakdown, Star, Jason, Alic and Stormy: * all dancing and Singing * AH AH AH AHHHH STAYING ALIVEEEE!!!

Ruby: * frustrated sigh * QUITE!!!!!!!

* silence *

Ruby: thank you, now because everyone was singing and dancing, no-one called a ambulance, or bothered to save him, now he's dead. There's nothing we can do.

Alic: yes there is! We check him for a organ donor card, if so, we have less then three minutes to harvest the goods. * pulls out knife and cuts the dummy's chest *

Morsecode: I'm going to be sick.... * runs to garbage can *

Everyone: * goes to help *

* five minutes later *

Star: he's ok!!

Stormy: thank primus

Tye: uh...guys....what happened to the dummy? Where's his face?

Star: * screams *

Stormy: well that's odd

Sammy: Alic? You ok?

Alic: * turns around with the dummy's face on his face and makes a weird clicking evil laughing sound *

Morsecode: * passes out *

* Everyone but Ruby, Region, the Adults run out *

Ruby: I'm going to kill him...

* later in a meeting *

Ruby: so the insurance company said the dummy will cost $3,000.

Breakdown: For a dummy!?

Ruby: yep....I don't know what Alic was thinking....

Breakdown: it was practice, now in real life, Alic  knows not to stab a guy, remove his organs and cut off his face.

Ruby: * glares * Normal people know not to do that.

Breakdown: normal?! What is this strange word you speak of?

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