I've got a Crush

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( This is Napoleon my steampunk oc singing about his crush...Saskia a Neko aka Fox girl....listen above to hear the song...which belongs to Lego/CN)

It came out....he didn't mean for the others to know that he the brave muscle/fearless leader had a crush on someone....thank heavens they didn't know who, but they all pounded on him wanting to know and help.

" Come on!!! Let us help you!!" Said he pink haired friend named Tina. Alic he best friend grinned evily.

" Yeah my bother!!! Let me help...seeing I'm successful with all the ladies." He smirked and winked at their female scientist named Samantha,although everyone called her Sammy, also it was overly obvious that Alic was in love with her even though he flirted with every girl that had two legs.

Sammy gave them both a glare, but the ghost smile on her lips hinted that she two wanted to know.

" I'm sorry....I must request a leave of absence " Napoleon said quietly. " I need to think....about my personal thoughts..." getting up he walked out of the room leaving the others confused.

Napoleon went to the roof and looked up at the stars and sighed. Clearing his voice he did something rare....

He began to sing....

" Oh oh Foxgirl!" He sang in a hused voice. " I'm being torn apart! I wish that I could tell you about the storm that's in my heart!!!"

Napoleon closed his eyes and began to walk along the edge of the roof, fists in a tight ball.

" Oh oh! Its like a scorpion fighting off a shark."

He gave a heavy sigh.

" but not as awesome....its not as awesome." He trailed off.

" I've found a way but I'm stumbling in the dark!!" He sang louder as he punched a old vase.

" I've tried to punch away my feelings but you've done left a Mark!!!! Oh oh...."

With a burst of energy he took a running jump and landed on the neighboring roof.

" My love's too strong I can't move on its just too hard...."

He sighed again and looked once more at the stars.

" your just so awesome.." he said instead of singing. " your so cool and awesome...."

" I'VE GOT A CRUSH!!!" He sang loudly " I'VE GOT A POWERFUL CRUSH!!! and there's no way to hide it, what I feel inside..."

Napoleon paused and inhaled deeply before belting out...


" Napoleon? Uh....I thought I was the only one up here." Said the voice of none other then the beautiful Saskia herself.

" GAHHHH!!!" screamed The teen leader, his glasses fell off his slender face and he dove to get them. Running off red in the face leaving Saskia alone....


Saskia belongs to my best friend and twino SN_supernova

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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