Chapter 3-- What?

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*Note: This chapter takes place during  the previous chapter, however it focuses on Enza and what she was doing and then after they meet.

3rd Person

  Before the command for enza to stay in the basement. It had been nearly 3 days since she had last ate something. She had no choice but to make her way up to the kitchen. It was get beaten close to death or die of starvation. She chose the first option.

Enza POV
   A few hours after I was given the command to stay snd not make a sound I decided I had to. I was starving. However as I started to move closer to the step I heard my Alpha, along with another male. I stilled instantly. After their voices moved away I moved closer to the door. Once I felt the door knob in my hand I turned it with the hopes it would ne unlocked. Just my luck it was!
     I slowly exited the basement and I found a wall. I walked through the house until I finally reached the kitchen. First I got a glass of water then I grabbed an apple. As I take a bite out of the apple I hear a noise behind me. I stiffen and slowly turn towards the person. The scent was that of an Alpha male. But it was not my alpha.
    Then I hear the one word I never thought I would hear.


And with that I fainted.

Sorry for the lateness and shortness. Like I have said before I have school and then work so I get really busy. Also to be completely honest I was not sure if anyone even liked the story. Pleade understand I try my best to update when I can but it will definetly not be consistent. I appreciate all comments. But asking me to update will not get it out any faster. Thank you!

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