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We were in a big field type. It was massive and white, the snow was covering everything. We continued to walk until everyone came to a halt. After about five minutes, you heard Garret bouncing around saying, "the red coats are coming. The red coats are coming." Then the volturi came out from the woods. You could see Aro looking around. They finally came to a halt and Aro looked at Us. Especially the Mikaelsons. He looked petrified. Nik smirked as Kol and I did the same. "Aro. Let's discuss this in a civilised manner. We did not do what we were accused of." Carlisle started. "We see the children, do not treat us as fools!" Caius spoke. I rolled my eyes. "They are not Immortal. You can see the human flesh in their cheeks." I yelled, motioning to Ravens face. "Artifis!" Caius yelled. I growled at him then turned to Raven. She smiled slightly as I gave her a reassuring smile. Suddenly, the pack walked from the woods letting out a few howls. Aro looked to us like he was jealous.

"Let's speak to people more central to the matter. Edward, Niklaus, as the children Kling to you, I assume you are involved." Nik looked to us then back to Raven. He kissed the top of her head before blurring to Aro who jumped at the sudden movement. "Aro. Long time no see, I see your head looks back to normal from the time I kicked it off." Nik smirked. I held back a laugh. Aro gulped. "Yes, Well, shall we?" He suggested. Nik nodded and took Aro's hand. After a few seconds he motioned for Raven. "I'd like to meet her." And with that, Nik turned around and nodded to us, Raven clinged onto me as I nodded and Kol, Becks, Elijah, Lisa and I all walked over to Aro. Raven nodded to Aro who smiled slightly. Raven touched his hand and he saw everything that happened. "Magnifico." He whispered.

Caius scoffed. "Do you think they played me, Brother?" Caius was short of a reply when Kol said, "Caius, if we played you you most certainly would be dead, mate" I glared at Kol giving him the 'Your not helping' look. He looked down as Caius' eyes widened. I rolled my eyes and we walked back.

After a few minutes, Alice and Jasper walked up to Aro only to be stopped by Demetri. Oh how I loved to rip his head off and feed his eyes to a fish. "I have evidence the children won't be risks to our kind, let me show you. She said, offering her hand out. Aro gladly took it.

After a minute, Alice pulled her hand away. "It doesn't matter what I show you. You still won't change your decision!" She turned around to Bella mouthing a 'now' just then, Jacob took off with Renesmee. I looked around at everyone trying to see if anyone would take Raven away. Raven walked over to me, "Don't worry, I can fight, and trust me, I have been practicing my magic. Your gonna enjoy watching this." She said with a smirk. I nodded. Alice turned around and kicked Aro so strong he went flying. But when he landed. They captured Alice. Carlisle screamed a "LET HER GO" and charged but Aro did at the same time. They both fell to the floor, but Carlisle didn't get back up. Aro had a victorious look on his face. "IM GONNA RIP YOUR HEAD OFF" I screamed charging for Aro who then looked incredibly scared as I charged for him. Multiple people tried to protect him but they all ended up the same, dead or unconscious on the ground. The mikaelsons all stood and watched as I attacked Aro. Ripping his head off. Everyone looked around in shock. I showed my vampire eyes and my fangs. I looked around. All I see was red. Carlisle was like my best friend and now he is dead. Then, someone came up from behind me and stabbed me with a stake. How did they know? But they missed. Kol pulled the stake out and kissed me. I looked to the people who stabbed me, they were dead.

Everyone was fighting. Raven was using more power than one and I don't know how, but she was. Then I looked to Bella, who was being tackled down. I looked to Nik who was protecting Raven. And to Elijah and Lisa who was feeding on a human together. Finn and Alex were tearing apart Cold Ones. And Kol had just gone for a Cold One. I smiled and started to attack.

I opened my eyes and gasped for air, falling to the ground. "What the hell was that?" I asked. Kol looked at me concerned. I looked around and everyone was fine. I smiled.

The Original Wife Octavia's Story // Kol Mikaelson {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now