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I sat up, panting, the dream wasn't just a dream, it was a memory, when my beautiful daughter was taken from me. Looking beside me a saw Kol, fast asleep. The effects through the bond probably won't be as clear as they were when he was a vampire. I can feel everything that he is feeling right now as I am still a vampire.
Peacefulness, content, happiness. It was nice. When he died, I felt it snap, but he was alive again so I feel it again.
I checked the time it was three in the afternoon, I slept for almost twelve hours.

I could hear footsteps but I didn't know who they were, getting up careful not to wake Kol, I went out to see who it was. It was a stranger but the way she carried herself I could feel power, like mine only the tiniest bit weaker.

I flew down with my vampire speed and had her by the throat, against a wall. "Who are you" she looked like someone I knew, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Well of course you don't know who I am I was only a baby when I was ripped away."She chuckled humourlessly. I frowned. "What do you mean" I demanded.

"What you can't recognise your own daughter?" She smiled menacingly. I growled. "My daughter died a thousandyears ago, tell me who you are!" I yelled. "My name is Annaleah and I am telling the truth, I didn't die, that shows how much you thought of me, I was turned by one of Klaus's minions. I let her throat go and she held it.


She chuckled again and stood up straight. "I came to klaus, asking about you, I said that you were my mother and I was searching for you, but her told one of his minions to kill me and never tell you about me, but the minion took pity on me and turned me, saying I was to never tell anyone and he wouldn't either, that's when I learned to use my magic, just like you, and I have been searching ever since, you really do move around a lot by the way.

I got word that you were in a town called fork so I went there, found some people who told me that you came to New Orleans so I am here now." She explained. I listened.

"Nick knew about you? Lies, he would have told me." I snarled. "Well he didn't then, because you didn't know about me I'm not lying."
"You know, I would have looked for you if I knew you were alive, Kol and I, we were broken at the loss of our child." Her eyes widened.
"Kol is here?" She asked.

"Well yes and no, your father was killed, then he was alive again but in a different body. KOL!" I yelled and walked up the stairs. He came out of our room and looked around, "yeah?" He asked. I smiled and walked up to him.

"Kol she didn't die, she's here, Annaleah is here!" I grinned he just looked confused. "Please rephrase your sentence." He laughed. "Your daughter is alive! She's here! Look!" I said and motioned for her to come over. She looked shy. "Father?" She asked. He just looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Wha- ho- Wait what?" He stuttered. "Kol it's our daughter, tell him, in the meantime, I need to see Niklaus, and give him a peace of my mind." I mumbled the last part.


"What?" He asked. I was furious. "How could you not tell me my daughter was alive, you bastard!" I screamed and threw him into a table using my magic. He yelled in pain.
"Stop, Octavia!" I heard from behind me. I turned around, it was raven, she looked angry. "What?" I asked. She stood in front of nik. "What is this about?" She asked. "You remember when I told you about my daughter, I thought she died." I said not taking my eyes of the bastard.


"Well this prick knew about her, he knew she was alive a thousand years ago and didn't tell me! He has saw me in tears about loosing my daughter yet he met her and got one of his minions to kill her but this minion took pity on her and turned her from then on she ran, and started to look for me." I was still glaring at nik.

"You WHAT!?!?!" Raven screamed at Niklaus.

"I had to" was all he said. I cried out in anger and sadness but most of all pure rage, raising my hands, I took all the strength in me, and he started to choke, puking up blood. I kept doing that until he was dead, only I could wake him or he would stay there forever. "Now you get to feel what it was like when you put Kol in a box, Prick" I said and spat on him, walking out.

I walked to my room, seeing Kol and Leah talking, I smiled.

My family was whole again.

Sorry this is so short, just had to put something up.

Say hello to Annaleah Mikaelson, Kol and Octavia's Daughter.
Played by Lily Collins

 Played by Lily Collins

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The Original Wife Octavia's Story // Kol Mikaelson {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now