Jade - Chapter 14 - Now

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'Now what does your womb have to say for itself?' Ridley says, staring at the computer. My hands are bound so tightly they're going limp. It might have only been minutes since Ridley wrapped foul smelling hands around my mouth and pulled me back around the corridor from which I was spying on Blue and the French doctor. It's that moment in life when you can't catch a breath, when you consider that maybe it's not really happening and you'll snap awake in Mrs Lewis' English lesson and return to the national curriculum. 

Only I don't. 

I know why I'm here and the lengths they've taken to find me. They won't let me slip away. I tug at the cable tie at my wrist. Is it tight enough to stop the blood?

'I was right!' Ridley's smiling now. 'Wouldn't that give the boss exactly what he deserves.'

I scream out for the third time whilst rattling the door handle with my bound wrists. I'm back in the same examination room as before; this time with Ridley. Blue and Dr Jenkins either don't care or can't hear me. Damn hospital. I try to believe its walls are too thick, but I cannot shake the notion that Blue doesn't care about me anymore.

Ridley leans forward to type and the room key glints from his pocket. I edge towards him as the printer fans whir.

When he reaches for the paper tray, I lean over. Taking a deep breath, I close my fingers around the fob.

'Get away!'

He throws me back into the side unit. There's a clatter as instruments fall to the floor. I sway like a drunkard, struggling to steady myself.

Then the door handle shakes from the other side.

'Jade, are you in there?' a voice calls.


I don't see the elbow until it hits me square in the cheek. I reach for a wall that doesn't meet my hand. Instead it's the floor I find, cold and hard against my palms. 

'Blue! Ridley's... he—'

'Shut up,' Ridley says, poking me in the hollow of my neck. I gasp.

'Goddammit, Ridley, open this door!'

Blue's blurred image flashes across the privacy panel like a mottled painting but it's Ridley whose clear sharp features interrupts the only lifeline I see. He walks towards me with calculated steps like an animal cornered by its prey. My heart thumps.

'Ridley! I won't ask again,' Blue's voice bellows.

Rather than fear, a smirk is growing, carving angular lines into Ridley's gaunt face.

'Shame we can't try out this active egg thing, sweet'art. See if that machine's tellin' the truth, hey?'

When he grabs my shoulders, I expect claws to spring out of his knuckles. His grip is strong enough to leave marks and I am too weak to fight him.

A shot rips out. Where a polished chrome handle had been, the door is punctured. It swings inwards. Blue materialises, weapon in hand, aimed straight at Ridley's head.

'Get away from her!' Blue yells.

Ridley twists round, eyebrows raised. 'Thought she was just another one of your sluts from the housing estate? Or is it that you're not really from there either?'

Dr Jenkins appears beside Blue, her eyes narrowed.

'Now who's been tellin' stories?' Ridley says, his eyebrows raised. 'Were you really on your way to juvey when they offered you some probation deal, or 'av we got us a posh boy just pretendin'?'

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