Blue - Chapter 15 - Then

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 I've never run so far or so fast in my entire life. From Leanne and Guy's car I hitchhiked across Greater London, ran some, and when I found a two pound coin on the floor I used it to take the bus as close to Westmore's campus as possible. Wasn't close enough. By the times its golden gilded gates came into view I was drenched in sweat with my father's old blazer scrunched up under one arm.

Ahead, a sea of aubergine blazers and skirts formed a mist around the stone steps of the hall.

Leanne was right about sixth formers being called in during half term. After studying so hard for my A Levels, a huge part of me is desperate to detour to the Hudson building and pick up my certificate. But that's out of the question. I've only a few hours before the police catch up with me.

The cafeteria is not far from the front of the campus and is relatively new (if one can call a 1980's block of concrete and glass with no architectural merits, new) in comparison to the majestic stone facade that fronts the street. Whilst it is close, it's also indiscreet from the long line of nosy dinner ladies across the back where pockets of steam rise out of half empty metal bowls, to clusters of pupils arranged around endlessly long tables.

A few vaguely familiar, younger faces acknowledge me as I pass. I nod back and press ahead in a kind of tunnel vision without recognition.

Jade's predictable. At least I hope she is. I scan the hall.

It smells of brussell sprouts, roast chicken and stewed carrots, with an overpowering punch of melted butter.

At a table in the corner between Judy and Mandy is Jade. Their chairs are angled away from each other and the scowl emanating from Mandy could be used to saw wood. A new and severe black haircut sweeps down across Mandy's right eye precluding eye contact with either of the other two.

Though it's hard to see her expression for the hair falling long and full across this side of her face, it's definitely Jade beside her. Or is it? She's hunched over her plate, which seems full and untouched. I'm not sure it's her after all.

An arm sweeps beneath mine before I can move forward to check.

'Mr Azure, come with with me. We don't want a scene.' Headmaster Fitton whispers curtly into my ear.

'But, I—'

'Now.' He pulls my arm firmly towards the door and it's then the blue flashing lights glimmer from the car park. No sirens. How clever they were.

The word Blue echoes in a haze atop the cobblestones. It snaps me out of my daze. Officers are emptying out of police cars by the dozen and students are starting to circle, feasting on the police presence.

A cold feeling sinks into my gut. It was all for nothing. Like all those at the cemetery, Jade's view of me will be marred by journalist's biased reporting splashed across the papers when my case goes to trial. After all, Dover is just about the only word on everyone's tongues.

'It's not what you think, Mr Fitton,' I say, craning my neck to Jade. She's still at her table, her eyes lost on food. Judy looks up but upon seeing me doesn't turn to Jade. 

'I didn't come to cause any trouble,' I say. 'I didn't even go into the main hall. I just wanted to—'

What did I want? To see Jade one last time. To encourage her to come and visit me behind bars. She would never do that. I wouldn't want her to either. What would the headmaster do if he knew I'd come for Jade? No matter. He doesn't seem to care about my motive. Although by the staunch grip of my forearm he's spoken to Detective Pike. He knows what I am.

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