Chapter 2

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"Hey Ben, you've got to come out of your room sometime!" Han called out, knocking on the bedroom door.

"I don't want to!" Ben's voice was husky with tears.

"But it's your birthday."

"Do you think I feel like celebrating?!!" Ben screamed, throwing his boot at the door. "Just leave me alone! And don't even think about sending that overgrown hairball in here! I'll turn him into a rug!"

"I don't think he's coming out," Han informed Leia and Chewbacca, shaking his head.

Chewbacca trilled a question.

"Nah," Han answered him. "Just leave him alone for a while. Let him cool down on his own."

An hour or so later there was another tap at Ben's bedroom door.

"I told you to leave me alone!" Ben shouted.

"Solo? It's Brox."

Ben armed the tears from his face and unlocked the bedroom door to admit his friend Broxley.

"What are you doing here?" Ben muttered sullenly.

"Jaliyah mentioned you were home from Jedi camp for a week so I stopped by to wish you happy birthday. Your dad told me what happened with Jaliyah. I'm so sor..."

"You already knew," Ben cut him off, staring into his greenish brown eyes. "Don't try to deny it. I can see that you knew. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Emmett made me promise not to," Broxley admitted nervously. "And, um, honestly I was a little afraid to anyway. I mean, you've got a temper, Solo."

"I should kill you!" Ben's face pinched together in rage as he snatched up his lightsaber. "I should kill all three of you!"

"You see, that's what I'm talking about. That temper." Broxley placed his hand on Ben's arm. "Killing people isn't going to make you feel better, Solo. Look, I know what Emmett and Jaliyah did hurt you bad, but violence isn't the answer."

"Don't ever mention their names to me again. They are both dead to me."

"Okay buddy, I won't. I'm not dead to you though, am I?"

"You should have told me," was Ben's sullen response.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. Let me take you out for dinner for your birthday."

"I don't feel like going out."

"Come on. We'll walk down to this little place I know. I'll treat."

"I just want to be left alone."

"I know. You just want to sit here and brood." Broxley aimed a punch at Ben's arm.

It took several more minutes of coaxing before Ben gave in.

Han and Leia were more than happy to let Ben's friend take him out for the night. It would be good for him to get out of the house rather than remain locked away in his bedroom.

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