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"Hey Ben?"

Ben pulled the flap of his tent open to see Darriel standing outside, looking slightly apprehensive and uncertain.

"What are you doing here?" Ben's voice dripped with contempt.

"I just wanted to apologize. Can I come in?"

Ben nodded his head curtly and stood with his arms folded across his chest, narrowly eyeing his unwelcome guest, who had just sat down uninvited on his cot.

"Look, I know that stuff I said earlier was way out of line," Darriel apologized, running one hand nervously through his copper-red hair. "I'm sorry. I didn't expect you to take it so badly. Did I touch a nerve? Did something happen between you and your girl?"

"She found someone new." Ben had to force the words out between involuntarily clenched jaws.

"Oh, man I'm sorry. I didn't know. If I'd known I never would've said that. You know that, don't you?"

"I should apologize to you too," Ben stated, changing the subject. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," Darriel replied.

"I'm sorry about what happened."

"I am too." Darriel reached into the inner pocket of his robes and procured a stainless steel hip flask, holding it out to Ben.

"What is that?" Ben questioned without reaching for the flask.

"Orkithian moonshine. I brought it from home."

"Does Master Luke know you have that?"

"Of course not." A slightly worried expression passed suddenly across Darriel's countenance. "And he doesn't need to know. You won't tell him." This last sentence was voiced somewhere between a demand and a request.

"I won't tell him," Ben agreed.

"Here. Have some."

"I don't really care for drinking." Ben's arms were still folded across his chest.

"Have you ever even had a drink?" Darriel smirked. He took a swallow from his flask then held it out to Ben again.

"Yes. That's how I know I don't care for it."

"It's a peace offering," Darriel coaxed.

Ben reluctantly reached for the flask and took a small sip. He regretted it instantly. The liquid had a thick, murky taste to it not unlike how he imagined swamp water would taste, and it burned his mouth and tongue unpleasantly. His first instinct was to immediately spit it out but he was aware that if he did so Darriel would never let him hear the end of it. He could feel it burning in his esophagus when he swallowed.

"That's disgusting!"

"Yeah, it doesn't taste great," Darriel concurred. "But it packs a punch." He took a drink then offered the flask to Ben again.

After several seconds' deliberation Ben took it and drank. The second mouthful didn't seem quite as vile as the first.

The two of them passed the flask back and forth.

"It's empty," Ben announced after attempting to take a drink. He could feel the heat in his face and knew his cheeks must be relatively flushed.

"I'll be right back." Darriel stood up from the cot and ducked out of Ben's tent. He returned a couple minutes later cradling a cream colored ceramic jug in his arms.

"More," he offered, holding it out to Ben.

Ben had the distinct feeling that they shouldn't be doing this as he took the jug in both hands and raised it to his lips. He was beginning to feel slightly dizzy. He swayed forward just a little as he handed the jug back to Darriel.

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