Yes or no

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 Ring, ring, ring

I closed my alarm, there was no point I couldn't sleep all night. The weekend went by so fast, I can't believe it Monday. The whole weekend there was only one thing on my mind THE KISS. So many questions going through my mind. I mean it was my first kiss, it was kinda perfect, well it would have been perfect if I kissed back.Oh my gosh, why didn't I kissed back? Stupid Dina you've never been kissed before, duh. But why? Did he like me? I mean I did like him back but I thought that it would never happen.


It time for me to get ready for school or I'm going to be late. I went and did the usual routine.

" Bye mom, love you " I screamed and exit the house and went to the bus stop. I put my headphones on. Whenever I need to clear my mind I put on music, my music is my therapy. I'm scared though, I'm so nervous but I won't see him until third period so I have all the time to tell some of my friends what happened and debate on what to do.

I made it to breakfast and the whole crew was here as usual.

"Dina, your always late, " Nina said . because I came like 5 minutes before the bell rings. It, not my fault I want breakfast but I can not wake up any earlier to come to the school extra early.

" I don't care. I'm still getting my food" I said while letting out a laugh. I ran to the line and got a smoothie for breakfast. The bell rings and Amani, Nina, Tracy and I started walking toward our advisory since our classes were right next to each other, the other girls from the table went the opposite way. The girls started a conversation but I wasn't paying attention. Every time I think of what happened Friday night my heart to beat faster and faster.

Amani and I were in the same class, we went and sat down.

" Yo, you won't believe what happened friday. Amani, I need advice I don't know shit about boys" I said while laughing even though I was freaking out inside.

" What happened? " she ask confuse. Finally, getting the thing off my chest I started explaining everything, skipping the part about the real reason as to why I really went to the party.

" Well shit ." She said after I was done. A laugh escaped my mouth.

" well, imma see him third period I want to see if he gonna say something about it. If not I'll ask." I said. I rather get it over with it now than later because if I keep thinking about it, new emotions will start opening up and I rather he explain if he like me now than never .

Skip to third period

I walked into class with my friend Stella . I hate math but I love this class because of Mr. Johnson so cool. Stella and I were laughing about a joke we made about our newest show we were addicted to stranger things. As I took my seat we made eye contact, he was talking to his friends laughing. We stole a glimpse of each other but I didn't have the courage to go to him straight.        I 'm going to wait until after class, that would be best. Right? The whole class time we stole glimpse of each other but kept talking to our friends, I didn't want to raise suspension. The truth is I'm embarrassed. I'm friends with the smart nice people and all my friends think that he a player and say dumb shit at time and they just don't like him. Of course me out of all people find such a dumbass attractive.

The class is over I put my books in my bag taking my time. I wanted to confront him when I'm alone. We usually take the same route to our next class. As soon as Stella left, Him and I were the last two to get out the class perfect

"Yo, Jay you have some explaining to do ?" I said trying to act like my heart wasn't ready to jump out my chest at the moment.

"ummm... About what?" he said looking every other direction but my face. That dick, the fuck he means by 'about what?' 

" About what ? what else why you kiss me ?" I whisper as were walking.

" Why you ran away ?" he said sounding hurt. At this point, I am grateful for my caramel color looking skin because i would be blushing so hard right now. I'm just hyped that it won't show or  would be ten times more embarrassing.

" Because I wasn't expecting that ... " instantly I started looking down at my feet, making my hair fall on my face to hide my shame " It was my first kiss okay. I freaked out " I mumble. For some reason, a smile grew on his face.

"Awww, that you're so cute. Stop hiding your face from me Dina. " he said with a big ass smile on his face. Did he just call me cute?

"Well, i have to get to gym imma be late, see you 6th period." I said speaking honestly.

"what? wai-" he started saying, i cut him off and started walking extra fast.

Skip to 6th period

Me, Stella and the girls around me were gossiping about our teacher. We were laughing telling jokes and throwing shade on him .

"Jay, would you mind passing out the paper, please ?" Mr. Blake said. I took a quick glance at him . he was staring at me. I act like I didn't notice. He turned around and started talking to one of his friend, Claire.

" yo , real shit. Don't jay and Claire look like a cute couple ?" Jessie who seat next to me said.

" Yeah, I never notice, but they do " Stella responded. I look they were laughing, I mean she's way prettier than me and I have seen and heard of Claire , she so cool they would make the perfect couple. My heart sank, you see Dina? you were only fooling yourself




" Yeah , they make a cute couple," I respond.

He was walking toward me , well my row. My heart was starting to do that stupid thing again. He finally made his way to me , we made eye contact again. He looks at me smirk and gave me my paper. But then I notice mine paper had a sticky note stuck to it.

Meet me outside after school near the football field. Please, I wanna talk .

Yes or no

A smile found its way to my face, slowly I circle yes. He was walking next to me to give the paper to the guy next to me. I push my pencil on the floor act like it was an accident.

"Jay, you dropped your pencil. " I took the note crumble it and as I picked up the pencil and hand it to him along with the note . Nobody notice anything .

After he went to his seat, from the corner of my eyes i look at him as he unscrambles the note.

He looks at me and smile. 


Oh, guys , I wanted to change one thing . Dina is not  a sophomore she is at the end of her Junior  year

Please vote or comment let me know what you think . Thank you guys for reading 

love you all, Victoria 

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