fucking idk anymore..... titles are over rated XD

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okay so i was on the bus yea and was texting a friend to see if she wanted to come see a movie and she replyed: yeah sorry and im like o.O wtf is that a yes or no?  it was the most stupidest answer i have ever fucken seen.  even more stupid than the time i asked someone if they knew any good blonde jokes ( asked a blonde) and she was like those things are mean but fucking funny and then walks off luaghing and its like ..... okay?

well i have been studying for my exams and turns out i failed my science exam FUCK YEA ANYONE WANT A HI FIVE? jks..... yea wasn't a good day.

its come to my attention that ppl suck XD but really, they suck alot of things especially when using a straw.  its like FUCK YEA COME ON SUCK HARDER SUCK HARDER DAMNIT

hows everyone been? oh thats so great.... I DONT FUCKING CARE XD jks

the awkard moment when your playing with your guage and your teacher is behind you and says stop fingering your ear hole, its distracting others...... O.O WTF now i may just be me thinking dirty but that was so outa context XD

now i may be loosing my humour....... and i know your going to be like NOOOO UR NOT, HOW CAN U TELL

well when im the only one luaghing at my jokes XD ........ i dont know if its a lose or win situation XD

the best thing i love is when something is so much of a fail it becomes a win, for example:

you make a gigantic hat, i mean come on your gonna be like WTF but then u will be like hmmm i fucking want one now -rub chin-  and then u will prob steal it and im telling you, im not going to bail you outa jail.... you have to suck it up literally ;)  i swear tho its goota suck being rapped BUT its not rape if u enjoyed it ;)

just want to make a mention to all my fans out there, thankyou for the fan, reads comments and votes..... if it wasn't for you then i wouldn't be doing this.... HAH what am i kidding i still would be XD i will be the guy cheering FUCK YEA NO READS ON ANYTHING WIN WIN BITCHES XD

apparently meebo is being shut down, well so i have heard......... so people i do have my email and skype etc on my profile page if u still want to keep in contact..... if u dont well then FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL CHILD AND THEN ARE SUCCESFFUL AND THEN THEY GET HUNTED BY A MAN WITH A CROSS BOW XD ... nah i will respect your decisions.......


if you can read this secentence below well then your awesome :D

did u read it? Ha i know u did :)  you are clearly awesome :D

Jay's random, immature, sexist, sexual, explicit cumbacks, statements etc :DWhere stories live. Discover now