chapter 3

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The moment she stepped inside the building; her eyes caught an unusual yet familiar scene in front. The students were crowded in front of the bulletin board, as if an announcement had caught their attention which usually doesn't happen. [Name] can't comprehend what they are whispering about but she had a few scenarios on her mind right now. She tilted her head to side in a brief moment, trying to remember what day or month it is today.

She was having some serious feelings of déjà vu feeling here and it is definitely not a good one. It was never a good one. Especially if it's her doing—she must be bored again or maybe even have plans of pursuing him again. She really doesn't know. [Name] strides her way to where the students are, not noticing her presence. She stood on her toes, trying to get a good look from the bulletin but not much luck.

She let out an inaudible sigh and changed gears. "So, what is the news all about?" She mustered a cheery yet inquisitive tone, asking the student in front of her.

He didn't look back, busy trying to glimpse at the bulletin board but he still answered her, "Student Council President Asano and Vice President Inoue were allegedly spotted yesterday at the fields. The picture showed like they kissed."

[Name]'s eyes widened. If that was true, she would have been out of her wits right now. She shooks her head, "Really? How can you be so sure?"

"That's because—," the student decided to look at her direction and flinched. "V-vice," He squeaked loudly enough to make the students turn to her direction. She motioned her head sideways and made them pave a way in the middle, including the student.

[Name] strides forward and examines the bulletin board that was filled with multiple pictures of her and Gakushu on the field yesterday. The angle was enough to make it look like she kissed him. "The angle was this bad and you would honestly believe something like this?"

"We've been waiting for it to happen, vice. You don't really have to deny something like this to us." One of the students chirped from the crowd followed by multiple responses of agreeing from them.

She scratched her cheek from embarrassment. "But there is nothing between us."

"With whom?"

All heads turned to the familiar voice of their student council president. Gakushu was making his way towards the crowd and stopped in front of her. She can hear a few squeals from the girls and whispers speculating that it is true. "What's the commotion all about?"

She let out a sigh and stepped aside, letting him see the bulletin board better. "See for yourself."

"Wow, these are all badly taken." He snidely commented that only she could hear. [Name] smirked in satisfaction. He then turns to her innocently and asks the question again. The students took initiative to ask the question in a blunt way.

"Are the two of you finally dating?"

Gakushu blinked, taken aback by the question. While she let out another sigh of defeat, shaking her head as she heard the question for the nth time. "Finally? But from what I know I haven't heard an answer yet."

The students around them grinned, some squealed in delight, sending cheers to the both of them. The bell rang, indicating the classes had started, people around them dispersed as she remained where she was, confused at what just happened. She looked up to him, raising a brow in question. Gakushu turned to her innocently and shrugged his shoulders.

"What? I didn't lie to them." He defended, raising his hands in defense while you scoffed in reply before walking away. She remained her composure, erasing those unnecessary thoughts that she had, even for hoping that relationship she had been dreaming.

"I should ask someone to take those down from the bulletin," Gakushu spoke up on their way to their classroom, not minding that the two of them were already late since they can easily excuse themselves for having council matters. The teachers are quite pushovers.

"You should get it done before break time," she tiredly suggested, just thinking about how this girl got onto her nerves again first thing in the morning had made her life decrease by 7 years.

Gakushu chuckled at her suggestion, "I don't know why people keep coupling us together." He voiced out innocently, eyes kept on the empty hall as he continued. "We're only childhood friends and colleagues."

[Name] feigned a laugh and agreed to his statement.

Maybe she's not the only one.

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