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You were always there,
Part of my life,
Part of my heart,
Always in my head,
Bound to my soul,
But now you've gone missing,
And I do not think,
That your return will come,
Nor do the neighbors think it,
Or your old friends,
Or your family,
I had it in my heart,
For the longest time,
That you would come home,
Scars healed,
Woven in your braids,
From your cousins wedding,
Frosting on your lips,
From the chocolate cake,
She had picked,
That you probably shoved in your mouth,
And talked with your mouth full,
Cake crumbs on your cheeks,
From being so excited,
That we would see each other again,
Not knowing,
It would be looking at your coffin,
Pale purple,
Your favorite,
Lilacs and daisies,
Woven in your braids,
I saved them,
From your cousins wedding,
The dress you wore,
In your last breaths of radiance,
Still fit perfectly,
Still made me cry,
Seeing it fall on your shoulders,
While you flew away,
In your new home.

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